Full Version: Doming - testing the waters.

From: Barbara (RGILE) [#63]
 12 Apr 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#60] 12 Apr 2005

Hi Ken,

I got mine from a Hairdressing supplier. They run around 100.00 and the material is nail acrylic and is also the same stuff that dentist's use for bonding teeth. So a dental supplier would also be a good avenue for the acrylic. After it's cured it leaves a sticky surface that is taken off with a soulotion of alcohal. so I hope this helps a little.

It's would be good for small jobs.


From: lisa (LISASANDERS) [#64]
 2 May 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13] 2 May 2005

Hi David...

My husband and I attended the sublimation class at Coast Graphics on April 9th and saw you there. We were very impressed with your work - Fantastic stuff!

We purchased the doming epoxy while there and have just tried it out for the first time on a photograph. It didn't adhere to the photo. Can you tell us why? It looked great - no bubbles, shiny, etc. - but it didn't stick. What materials can we dome on? Evidently not photographs? I'm going to try it on a name badge next and am assuming it will turn out just fine.

Thanks for your help....


From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#65]
 2 May 2005
To: lisa (LISASANDERS) [#64] 2 May 2005


It depends on the "paper" and the ink. Yes you can dome photos, sometimes.

First test the paper without the photo. It won't stick to HP premium plus photo glossy, but will stick to my ordinary office paper. It also sticks to some polyester paper I have. According to some other posts its due to UV inhibitors in some papers and inks. They leach into the epoxy forming a thin layer that won't cure. -I'm assuming you're using UV cure epoxy.

I also found that I need to dry out the ink. There's an old stove here with a pilot light. during my testing with small photos I put them on a piece of glass on the stove top above the pilot. For production I'd try some of the other suggestions made.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#66]
 2 May 2005
To: lisa (LISASANDERS) [#64] 2 May 2005

Hi Lisa,

It was nice to meet you at the CGS "Learning Center" event. I'm happy to hear you're taking the plunge into epoxy doming.

The fact that some substrates don't lend themselves to doming, has been covered, either in this thread or another. I'm not sure which.

The short story is, some paper/ink combinations don't work. You're experiencing that for yourself.

What substrate are you using for the namebadge? Metal and plastic should be fine. If you're using a paper, it will probably need to be poly-based.

If you use a paper, make sure your ink is completely dry before doming.

EDITED: 2 May 2005 by DGL

From: lisa (LISASANDERS) [#67]
 3 May 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#66] 3 May 2005

Thanks David. This is a great forum.....I'm enjoying reading all the messages - it's very helpful. Great job!

From: lisa (LISASANDERS) [#68]
 3 May 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#65] 3 May 2005

Thanks Ken. The information was very helpful. We'll give it another shot and see what happens!

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#69]
 3 May 2005
To: lisa (LISASANDERS) [#67] 3 May 2005


I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the forum. It's become my labor of love.

I'm pleased, the posts are so frequent and informative, but the best is yet to come!

Do you know the differences between CO2 and YAG laser engraving?

Do you know the difference between "Flying Optics" and "Steered Beam" laser equipment?

Have you ever been behind the scenes at a high-production YAG laser engraving facility?

If not, you will!

We're in the formative stages of developing our first "Video Field Trip", which will be made available to the forum members!


EDITED: 3 May 2005 by DGL

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