Full Version: J. Stephen Spence joins EJ (unmoderated)

From: gt350ed [#13]
 31 Mar 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#9] 31 Mar 2005

David: I'm not even sure if I like Pete from Award Masters, but he and I are in agreement regarding recent observations. When's the "other" David coming back?

Me thinks that maybe you didn't sell ALL of what you was dealin.

In any event, forums will come and forums will go. And to quote (or at least paraphrase) something you said on DSSI recently (about DSSI), if someone else has to create another forum, it shall be done. It won't be easy, and it will take some time. But it will be done.

Most of us love you and what you bring to the party. But you got to stop lettin that evil weed cloud yo head.


From: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#14]
 31 Mar 2005
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#12] 31 Mar 2005

I truly appreciate David's contributions and he has the same rights to his opinions that I do to mine. I just get irratated when I am pointed toward the old Delphi forum and given a shove in that direction because the head moderator doesn't agree with me on how someone being tried for what I consider the crimes of a real pervert.

I will try to moderate my own posts a little better and then perhaps your job will be a little easier. This just happens to be an area where I have very strong feelings.


From: Rallyguy [#15]
 31 Mar 2005
To: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#14] 31 Mar 2005

I have to agree wholeheartedly with you and Ed here Pete.

From: John (ICTJOHN) [#16]
 31 Mar 2005
To: gt350ed [#6] 31 Mar 2005


OK, I didn't think I have been living under a rock, but I have not heard of any of the issues re: J. Stephen Spence.

you said:
"This has been covered here and other related forums in the past, along with links to news media and public record accounts."

I did a search on this forum and did not find anything...............
I have not been on DSSI for a long long long time......

Where are the links at so I can determine for myself the gravity of the issue?


From: Rallyguy [#17]
 31 Mar 2005
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#16] 31 Mar 2005

This will get you started...


EDITED: 31 Mar 2005 by RALLYGUY

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18]
 31 Mar 2005
To: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#14] 31 Mar 2005


You do not have to moderate your posts one bit. If you feel strongly about an issue, post it that way. You have not increased my workload one tiny bit. All that you said is there and will remain there.

We need all viewpoints here or we lose a lot. Agree or disagree, who cares, just post it. Both sides are truly necessary to help form an 'informed' opinion.

A one way street is not good for half of the people that use it.


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#19]
 31 Mar 2005

I've read the recent posts, and although some don't warrant a response, I'll address some of your points in this message:

1) This is the first time, on this forum, the Stephen Spence matter has come to light.

2) Since last year, either privately or publicly, there have been links to news stories and court proceedings, which are a matter of public record. Some, I've seen. Others, I haven't.

Last I heard, a trial was supposed to take place in the early part of March. I have no knowledge of the trial taking place, nor the outcome.

3) I could have easily let the mention of Stephen Spence (joining EJ) go unheralded, although, I knew eventually, the topic of his personal travails would come up. As uncomfortable as this thread has become, I feel it's better to "air it out" than to "bottle it up."

4) I'm in favor of full amnesty, if a person has rehabilitated himself. If, in the end, the worst is true and Stephen loses his freedom, by the laws of our land, at some point, he'll have repaid his debt to society.

Those who feel strongly that his debt will NEVER be repaid, will be in the position of making a choice.

They can choose to subscribe to a magazine, which carries his articles, or not. Read his articles, or not. Attend his seminars, or not.

5) The penchant for people to make staunch judgement calls, based on assumption, is nothing new and not surprising. That's always much easier than gathering facts. I'm willing to continue the discussion based on facts. In absence of new information, I've already made my points.

6) The option of people reviving the Delphi forum was genuine and not a "My way or the highway" message.
The Delphi forum is fully functional - just inactive. Using it or not is up to those who feel this forum isn't for them. As I said, it's a viable option.

I've always been for ultimate freedom of choice. I encourage you to use yours.

David Lavaneri
Forum Host/Moderator

EDITED: 31 Mar 2005 by DGL

From: Frazee1 [#20]
 31 Mar 2005

When I noticed his name on the thread title, I was glad to see him getting back active in writing. I'm sure everyone here that is bringing up his personal problems has benefited from HIM! Do I like what he was charged with? NO! Does he have some really good information and the skills to write to help? Yes. I had hoped his personal problems wouldn't come up but I figured someone would have to bring it into the discussion. I can't see any harm in having his great experience in public writing. I just recently found out that our corrupt city manager hired his son in law to work in our parks and recreation department with him being a REGISTERED sex offender! He has been there for 2 years now but as far as the registered sex offender part, I just uncovered it. The public here does not know yet we have him working around the children with that charge. Should he be able to continue? H&ll NO! I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but Mr. Spence's personal matters should not effect us adults here. I really don't see any harm. If he is found guilty, maybe he can get some help. That's his decision and his own personal problem to deal with. I would of welcomed him to join here but with this kind of talk, he doesn't need to see it. I'm sure he feels like there are already enough finger pointing at him in his own town, much less come here to relax and read the same. Please give him a break for now! After the trial if you would like to address his personal problems, write him a letter but lets please keep our forum POSITIVE! John

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#21]
 31 Mar 2005
To: Frazee1 [#20] 1 Apr 2005

Thank you John. Very well put.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

From: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#22]
 1 Apr 2005
To: Frazee1 [#20] 1 Apr 2005


What I am POSITIVE of is that I do not want to hear from Mr Spence.

I find it hard to believe that anyone would be interested in what he has to say. But then, what do I know, I could never figure out why all of those people would take their kids to Neverland Ranch.

If he did happen to take advantage of David's generous invitation it would be just horrible if some of us uncaring posters pointed out his little faults and made him uncomfortable. I would not have to be concerned with giving him a break for now if he had not been invited to participate in the forum to begin with.

You seem to feel more strongly when the the problem is in your community.


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#23]
 1 Apr 2005
To: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#22] 1 Apr 2005


It's highly unlikely Stephen will visit the forum. That would have held true, even before the allegations, that you seem to regard as fact.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

From: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#24]
 1 Apr 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#23] 1 Apr 2005

It is clear that some of us consider the fact that he is accused enough reason not to be even remotely associated with him until the results are in. On the other hand, it is also clear that some, like you, feel strongly that he is innocent until proven guilty and he is no threat to society unless he is convicted.

It is unlikely that either camp is going to radically change their view. In that light, I suggest that we all drop this issue since discussing it is not likely to strengthen anyone's postion or change anyone's mind. About the only result we can expect from this point on is the generation of ill feelings over a subject that we have no control over. I could easily continue to respond to most of these posts, but my position is clear and I would accomplish very little except for personal satisfaction in stating my case.

Why don't we just move on. John was correct when he indicated it is not a POSITIVE topic for the forum.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#25]
 1 Apr 2005
To: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#24] 1 Apr 2005


Could it be that we've finally found a point on which to concur?

I think so, and I agree with your assessment that we've all made our points, and only time and the slow-moving wheels of justice will have the final say.

And Pete, I mean this - Thank you.

Your conciliatory message, was the right post, at the right time.

We have a wealth of interesting topics to discuss. Let's.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

From: Frazee1 [#26]
 1 Apr 2005
To: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#22] 1 Apr 2005

I'm sorry, I failed to realize you had more information than the rest of us. I didn't know he was already convicted. In your court, I guess. As far as my community, this person HAS been convicted. HE is a sex offender. There is a very big difference. I was wrongfully accused of kicking a little kid in the "nuts". Does that make me a bad person that no one should listen to? Should I have been treated bad before being vindicated? Don't think so. For a year after the kids told the truth, that it didn't happen, I couldn't quit thinking about it. Trouble sleeping, thinking straight etc. I spent lots of money trying to prove myself as honest only to have the kids tell the truth in the end. So, let Mr. Spence have his day in court. I know it doesn't sound good of his charges but you just never know. As far as you not wanting to hear from Mr.Spence, that's your right. It will not be forced on you! We will learn from him and you will just miss out. John

From: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#27]
 1 Apr 2005
To: Frazee1 [#26] 1 Apr 2005

Sorry to hear about your psycological problems, that probably explains your position on this. It also appears I am more selective in chosing who I am willing to "learn" from. Thanks for not forcing it on me.

From: Rallyguy [#28]
 1 Apr 2005
To: Frazee1 [#26] 1 Apr 2005

You have to consider the evidence in either case....In your case it was simply your word against some kid's......In Mr Spence's case, they took a camera out of the bathroom as well as tapes that were made with the recording equipment, and he was found to have posession of child pornography. Now I look at both cases differently because of the evidence that had been gathered. Everyone has to make their own moral choice on how to deal with someone that has been charged but not yet through a trial, but I would choose based on what I thought was reasonable to believe based on the evidence that they have collected.

Trust me, they don't charge people with things like this unless they can back it up with evidence. Law enforcement wants to be reliable and trustworthy with the public, and charging people for stuff that isn't supported by evidence is just silly for them to do, particulalry in cases like these. I am not claiming that law enforcement is perfect. There have been many times when they have made mistakes that have let bad people off, but it is far more rare when they charge someone that is entirely innocent.

Your situation was quite different than his in my opinion. They had no supporting evidence other than his word against yours.

Brian G.

From: LaZerDude (CHUCK_BURKE) [#29]
 1 Apr 2005


From: gt350ed [#30]
 1 Apr 2005

I agree with David, Pete and others. Points have been made. Nothing will be settled. So, lets move on.

It would be my suggestion that we delete this thread in order to move on. Otherwise, people will keep adding posts. Which is o.k. if that's what the concensus is.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#31]
 2 Apr 2005
To: gt350ed [#30] 2 Apr 2005


It's important to me that people be able to voice their opinion on this matter. I think most who may come upon this thread will see their opinion mirrored by those of previous posters and won't feel the need to duplicate what's already been said.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


From: gt350ed [#32]
 2 Apr 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#31] 2 Apr 2005

10-4, Grand (Big) Kahuna!!

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