Full Version: Millenium Thermal badge machine

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#34]
 14 May 2005
To: Peter [#33] 15 May 2005

I preferred encasing it in the hard epoxy over the flexible.

1) when the flexible product is flexed the layers will bend to a different radius. This can degrade quality when flexed to extremes.

2) The flexible epoxy will develop a curve when heated (cured) if not kept flat. Do not remove from the temporary adhesive on the glass until its cooled. If it gets a curve when doing the backside, put between pieces of glass while it cools. (Under a small weight if necessary.)

What are your findings?

From: Peter [#35]
 15 May 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#34] 15 May 2005

Have only ever used flexible epoxy



From: Bob (ZIME) [#36]
 16 May 2005
To: Peter [#1] 16 May 2005

I am a dealer for the product so I guess a little bit more positive. I also use my demo machine quite a lot.

The main advantage of this printer is the production of several different sizes and thickness.

The out put gets a wow!, from some buyers. A four color badge prints in approx. 38 seconds. Though the material and ribon cost is higher than some other processes the time is the big savings. The extra steps in sublimation add to the cost though some prefer the appearance of the product.

I can run the machine with 100 or so blanks in the hopper and I can not keep up with the machine while putting on the pins or the magnets as they pop out.

Spot single colors are around 8 seconds with resin ribbons.


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