Full Version: LaserSketch - Expectations?

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#3]
 17 Apr 2005
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#2] 17 Apr 2005

The quality of what I received certainly did not meet expectations based on their reputation and product description. I was also shocked that I did not receive the quantities ordered; especially given that I ordered full cases.

I originally faxed my order; I then had a very nice conversation when the woman called to verify some information. (because I was not in their system.) I learned that it's a family business. The husband was also in the hospital for complications from hip surgery.

I expect it was an honest mix up at a crazy point in time for them. I posted here hoping to hear that this is not typical. I sent the fax the other day, so they could look into it prior to talking with we. I was expecting a response within a couple of days. I'll probably wait until Tuesday, then follow up with a call. (Maybe I'll get some feedback to these posts on Monday.)

From: Shaddy [#4]
 17 Apr 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#3] 17 Apr 2005

Although I don't get as good of results from their marble as I do from another source, I've always had consistancy with ordering.

My local source has just 12x12 floor tiles, unfinished edges, only 4-5 out of 10 are clear enough for lasering, BUT... I can go up to 1200 dpi with awsome reults on those 4-5. Unfortunately, I don't know ahead of time if it will work or not so I end up lasering the tile most of the way through before I can see the imperfections. (density difference?)

But to answer your Q, I'm guessing it was an honest mistake and I would assume they'd make it up to you. They seem to want to have a good name when I've talked to them.

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#5]
 17 Apr 2005
To: Shaddy [#4] 17 Apr 2005

I also feel they take their reputation seriously. I've seen different people post comments on their marble, but I don't recall any comments on the different granite grades. I'll be using it for outdoor pet memorials and would like the best quality possible. (On my order, shipping added 50% to the final cost. I can buy the absolute black granite wholesale locally and pick it up myself. I'll pay the premium for Super Black if it meets the claims.)

I don't want to get off topic, but when you engrave the marble at 1200dpi: What lens are you using? How are you converting from grayscale to whats engraved? (3D driver, error diffusion, halftone)

From: precisionlaser [#6]
 17 Apr 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#1] 17 Apr 2005

I can't comment on the granite because we use their marble, but I can comment on a few things:

1. I believe that they are honest business people, who don't have a very tight operational environment...ie-not well controlled. I am still waiting on a back order of black marble ovals dating back to the end of last year. Chances are that they lost or forgot about the rest of this order. I've been waiting patiently, but I think I'll call Jim this week and see what's up with this.

2. They now have a large customer named LaserBits. Yep, the marble that LaserBits sells is LaserSketch's marble. LaserBits committed to a LARGE purchase of their product last year and I suspect that LaserBits is getting the lion's share of attention these days. If you wonder why LaserSketch doesn't seem to have inventory when you call or get the "the container is due in two weeks" speech, I'd bet it's because LaserBits is getting filled ahead of everyone else. I would also bet that I could order and receive marble ovals from LaserBits immediately.

3. They need to pack their shipments much better than they do. One shipment I received before Christmas came in water-soaked boxes, resulting in them having to replace most of the shipment because of water stains I couldn't remove myself. I get scratched pieces all the time because the pieces are only separated from each other by a slip of paper. Bounce a box of 10 5x7s around a little, and you'll get scratches and gouges.

I'm open to considering other suppliers if they're out there...


From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#7]
 17 Apr 2005
To: precisionlaser [#6] 18 Apr 2005


I called LaserSketch on Monday, April 4, to place an order for a case (10) of the 8"x10" Absolute Black ovals. The phone was never answered on any of the six attempts I made throughout the day. I left several messages and finally received a call back around 4:00 that day. They had the product in inventory, but said that the UPS truck just left and they wouldn't be able to get them out until Tuesday. I indicated that would be fine since my customer didn't need the finished piece until around noon on Friday.

I am two day UPS shipping service from their location. Thursday of that week rolled around and still no product. I contacted them mid-afternoon to see if they had shipped via FedEx Ground, who delivers randomly throughout the day. They said they found my shipment still setting on the dock from Tuesday and they wouldn't be able to ship it until Friday.

I was naturally steamed at this point and conveyed that I needed one of the pieces for a commitment I had made to a valued customer. The person on the phone offered a moment of silence, then I suggested they overnight a piece to me, then ship the balance standard ground. The acceptance of my idea wasn't met with great joy, but they did do it.

When the overnight shipment arrived, it was in good shape and I got the finished piece in the hands of my customer as scheduled.

I was anxious to find out how they would handle the shipping charges on this order without me asking. The balance of the product came in and I was charged for half of the overnight charges for the one piece. You be the judge as to whether this is appropriate handling of this transaction.

The additional pieces did arrive in good shape, but I was a bit shocked at the inadequate packaging.

I have ordered this same LaserSketch product from Laserbits and Time Products International, and it had better packaging. Part of that may have been that I didn't order full cases at the time.


EDITED: 17 Apr 2005 by DATAKES

From: precisionlaser [#8]
 18 Apr 2005
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#7] 18 Apr 2005


As I said, their operational situation leaves something to be desired. I am disappointed to hear that they charged you anything for the overnight shipment. You were not half responsible for this, so you shouldn't have had to pay half of that charge.

In the future, if you have any other problems getting what you need, call me...I keep a modest stock of their marble on hand...most of the pieces anyway...


From: UncleSteve [#9]
 18 Apr 2005
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#7] 18 Apr 2005

David, sounds like they have a good product and are in over their heads with one customer that "owns" them...

Just like when a small manufacturer gets hooked up with WalMart or Sears/Kmart. They can kill you with orders and their requirements/demands.

From: Laura (ELLEMD628) [#10]
 18 Apr 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#1] 18 Apr 2005

I suppose I ought to mention my experience with Lasersketch as well. I think they are great people but yes, a little unorganized at times. My very first (and small) order went smoothly but my subsequent order of multiple cases was a disaster between waiting for the shipments to arrive first from China then to get from the California dock to IL. I think it took 2-3 months to get everything which was probably not their fault due to customs, etc. We were planning a trip to Chicago not far from Lemont where Lasersketch is so I wanted to save on shipping and pick up my order since I ordered it at least a month ahead of time, but we weren't able to get it on that trip.

We ended up making a special trip to pick up the marble but the granite wasn't in so I had it shipped. I ordered super black granite in a case of 5x7 and 8.5 x 11 ovals, a case of 5x7, and a few single 8.5x11. I was missing various pieces and got 8.5x7 ovals instead of the the 8.5x11 ovals and was told they would not have 8.5x11 ovals at all. Plus instead of 3 single pieces of 8.5x11 I got 3 cases. We attempted to fix the order mix up via e-mail and phone several times before I finally got everything I needed plus several additional cases of 8.5x11 I did not order. Jim was very nice about the whole situation and refunded the difference and told me to keep all the extras since it would cost just as much to ship them back.

I do think the pieces could be packed a little better as I've had some chipped, scratched, and stained pieces. For now I figured that's what I'll have to deal with since they are the only supplier I know of that sells precut, polished pieces. The people are great to work with and I really hope things will get straightened out but it would be nice to find another supplier so that we don't have to totally rely on Lasersketch.

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#11]
 18 Apr 2005
To: Laura (ELLEMD628) [#10] 18 Apr 2005

It sounds like their whole setup is informal. It might just be a couple of people but they need some formal procedures, and tracking, in place.

From: Laura (ELLEMD628) [#12]
 18 Apr 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#11] 18 Apr 2005

I agree. I hate to give negative feedback about them because they do seem to try hard but when you're dealing with deadlines with your own customers, being nice sometimes just isn't enough.

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#13]
 18 Apr 2005

I just got a call from Jim at LaserSketch. After apologizing for taking so long to get back to me, he said there shouldn't be any variation. He asked that I email him a list of what I would like replaced.

Now's the hard part for me. Some I would say are definitely good, others bad without a doubt. It's the ones in-between that I need to really evaluate and decide where to draw the line.

This is the first time I've spoken with him, and it was brief, but he comes across as a person you would want to do business with. Hopefully their methods and inspections grow with their sales.

Yes I plan to buy more Granite from them as I need it. Marble too, when I'm ready for it.


From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#14]
 18 May 2005

Just wanted to post an update regarding my LaserSketch order.

As per Jim's request I emailed a list of the pieces needing to be replaced. (4/19/05) Because this was my first order with them I asked that he personally screen the replacements. I would then use them as a basis for re-evaluating the originals. (Was I being unreasonably fussy?) If some were good based on the standards of the replacements, I'd purchase the extras.

When I didn't hear back, I followed up with a fax, then again on 5/6/05.

At this point I'm going to call. (previously faxing, then them calling at their convenience, seemed to work. It's also been more reliable then email.)

Hopefully I'll soon be posting a followup/resolution.

Edited to add:
I just called, Jim answered and said it was shipping out today. They're replacing the whole order. (I'll probably get it next week.)

EDITED: 18 May 2005 by KDEVORY

From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#15]
 27 Jun 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#14] 30 Jun 2005

Ken -

Did you get your order fixed? How was the quality this time around?

As I stated in another thread, we have been engraving photos on acrylic blocks (2" x 4" and 5" x 7") with great success. In fact, this accounted for about 14% of our sales for January - June this year.

We'd like to start doing photos on marble, but I tend to be VERY picky about quality...from my suppliers and from me. (I've even had customers tell me that I'm too picky, but I tend to take that as a compliment!)

I really don't want to buy these things from Laserbits due simply to freight costs (we're in east Texas). However, I know that Laserbits will stand behind the products, and will exchange/replace/refund with absolutely no hassle.

Is there a supplier that's closer to Texas?


From: James (TILER02) [#16]
 30 Jun 2005
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#15] 30 Jun 2005

Go to any Dal-tile store.

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#17]
 30 Jun 2005
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#15] 30 Jun 2005


I don't have the personal experience with marble to comment on its quality. I have seen other suppliers mentioned in other threads. (I know the people at LaserSketch say its not possible for anyone to have a marble that engraves with better quality then theirs.)

As its been stated LaserBits sells the LaserSketch marble tiles. The quality from the two suppliers will be the same. Buying from LaserSketch, if you do have any problems, I have no doubt they will replace any defective material no questions asked. If LaserSketch is cheaper then LaserBits, then buy it directly from them.

Regarding my granite order. They reshipped the whole order, not just the pieces I requested, and did not want any additional $. Yes there is more variation from piece to piece than I originally expected, but it is a natural material. I do plan on using them as my supplier. Though it has more variation then I expected prior to seeing it, my search has not turned up any supplier that can beat the quality of their Super Black. (Yes, I've been called a perfectionist.)

From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#18]
 30 Jun 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#17] 1 Jul 2005

As far as I'm concerned, being a perfectionist is NOT a bad thing - unless we're talking about my wife! LOL (I'm just kidding, of course)

From: rich (SPYDER62) [#19]
 30 Jun 2005

I have some Laserbit/sketch Black Marble and refuse to use it. :-(  Every one I tried just don't come out no matter what setting I use.I get mine from My local Tile supplier and have much better luck,in fact just got in 9 cases for some trophies I need to do. Bet I can use all but 3 or 4 of the tile after I cut them to size. I have already used about 3 cases and have had only one I could not use. Have attached a photo of the same print one on Laserbits tile and one from my supplied,both done at the same setting. You tell me which is useable.

Sorry Harvey will repost them later tonight, was to late when I did them last night :'-( 

EDITED: 1 Jul 2005 by SPYDER62

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#20]
 1 Jul 2005
To: rich (SPYDER62) [#19] 1 Jul 2005


A comment and a question: Marble from different sources will require different settings. Are you using a secondary operation to whiten the engraving?

From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#21]
 1 Jul 2005

I got my first shipment of black marble from N & R today.

I guess my expectations for the "blackness" might have been unreasonably high...was a little lighter than I had expected. Then again, I've never done much marble stuff...so there wasn't much of a basis for my expectation. ;-) 

At any rate, I engraved my first picture (my family portrait, of course) on it, and it was SPECTACULAR! I can't wait to show it to some of my regular photo customers....they'll LOVE it.

The lighter spots/streaks in the marble didn't detract from the crisp detail in the picture. I'm very pleased with this first batch.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#22]
 1 Jul 2005
To: rich (SPYDER62) [#19] 1 Jul 2005

The larger tile looks way overpowered.

The attachment is also way too large.

You will have to remove it and maybe post it in a later post, reduced to the proper file size.

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