Full Version: This one takes the cake!

From: JHayes55 [#7]
 16 Jul 2004

Just as a follow up - Robert the employee - delivered the finished project
as promised. Still makes me mad, that I had to get mad, to purchase services from a company.
I much prefer to use sugar catch the fly - but if he don't land - I am handy with the swatter.


From: Zonas [#8]
 21 Jul 2004
To: JHayes55 [#7] 22 Jul 2004

Joe, sorry to say I'm kinda glad to hear somebody else had problems with TDI. I had used them several times years ago, with same day results. Last December I needed a logo digitized for embroidery - must have been the same gal. As I remember she had to go to doctor appointments, off today, etc. I finally got to talk to her and she said I'd have it in 1/2 hour and it was 8 hours later (and not correct). I should have known something was up when the guy I had always used in the past sent me an email letting me know he was leaving the company. He must have known something, but couldn't come out and directly tell us. I also hated the 'shipping' charges for the graphic being sent by the internet.

Zona's Engraved Creations

From: JHayes55 [#9]
 22 Jul 2004
To: Zonas [#8] 22 Jul 2004

Thanks for the message. Mom used to say "misery loves company". Thank
goodness I did finally get what I needed from them. There used to be a man
who worked for them named Ramon - he sent me an email when he left as
well - I always though that was odd.

From: Zonas [#10]
 2 Nov 2004
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2] 2 Nov 2004

Just wanted to let others know. Today I'm needing a logo digitized for an embroidery job. I remembered this thread so looked it back up. I have used TDI before and did not want to try them again - I don't need the headache ;). Here is what I found out:

Lamro no longer does digitizing for embroidery. Still does other formats with a beginning rate of $40.00.

Engravers Gallery - 800 number no longer in service and no forwarding information. That was enough for me to think I didn't want to use them.

Doing some more searching.

Zona's Engraved Creations

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From: Zonas [#12]
 2 Nov 2004
To: jbrewer (JEANETTEBREWER) [#11] 3 Nov 2004

Thank you, I'll call them now.


From: Cindy (CINDYM) [#13]
 2 Nov 2004
To: Zonas [#12] 2 Nov 2004

Zona - Engraver's Gallery is still going strong. I just talked to them today. Asked for a logo yesterday, got it this morning, so they are still responsive. I didn't ask about their 800 # - you might want to call them and ask why it was discontinued - there may be a simple explanation that has nothing to do with their service.

From: Zonas [#14]
 2 Nov 2004
To: Cindy (CINDYM) [#13] 12 Nov 2004

The 800 # was the only info I had on this company (from early posting). I went to Logofax (also mentioned in previous posting). Ordered today - is actually 2 different logos (front and back) and will have it by Friday. If you have more info on Engravers Gallery you might want to post it here for others to see. Thanks for letting me know they are still around.

Zona's Engraved Creations

From: lindalee [#15]
 2 Nov 2004
To: JHayes55 [#1] 2 Nov 2004

Joe, Call 1-802-988-4123, Mike does our digitizing, super job always. Company is Jayview Embroidery.

I had much the same experience with TDI, will never use them again. Linda

From: John (ICTJOHN) [#16]
 2 Nov 2004
To: Zonas [#10] 3 Nov 2004


Another digitizer for embroidery is


Nice web site, great service, good price, you can have it fast or 2 days regular service.


From: Lisa (TROPHYUSA) [#17]
 2 Nov 2004
To: Zonas [#10] 3 Nov 2004

I haven't been on the Forum in a while but this thread caught my eye. I had many problems with TDI, and then discovered LogoFax. I understand there is actually a lawsuit or something between TDI and LogoFax and I'm not sure the details but LogoFax is on the up-and-up where TDI is the offender. Anyway, I have used LogoFax and never looked back. They digitize for engraving and embroidery, I have purchased their logo books and they are constantly coming up with new and wonderful items. They also respond quickly and have a great website


Their logo packages have been well worth the investment and I'm looking at their latest color logo packages that can be used with laser or sublimation!! Try them!

Message 122.18 was deleted

From: James (TILER02) [#19]
 3 Nov 2004
To: logojohn [#18] 4 Nov 2004

I bought Smart design for corel 8 several years ago, They over billed me too. I thought it was a waste of money. Every time I did anything to the computer I would have to call them to get a new code. Finally just got disgusted and left it off.

From: kathy (KRAM1310) [#20]
 3 Nov 2004

I was just following this thread and went to logofax.com to check them out and after registering was only allowed to see a few "samples". So must you pay them just to see what they sell?

From: Fred (FREDQ1E) [#21]
 10 Nov 2004
To: kathy (KRAM1310) [#20] Unread

Moved to By/Sell Advertising.


EDITED: 11 Nov 2004 by HARVEY-ONLY

From: Cindy (CINDYM) [#22]
 12 Nov 2004
To: Lisa (TROPHYUSA) [#17] 12 Nov 2004

We've purchased custom logos from all mentioned and Mike at Engravers Gallery is still the best in my book. The other places always missed our deadlines, were way over on what they quoted us, or didn't do a very complete job with the actual logo. I kept moving from company to company after Lamro got too expensive for our clients - I like Lamro's quality, but I just could not get clients to pay to have their logos digitized at the amount I was having to charge to cover my costs. I still get most of my stock logos from Lamro, but all my custom work goes to Mike at Engravers Gallery, and as long as he will keep doing them, I'll keep sending them there.

From: Colin (MATROPHY) [#23]
 31 Jul 2005
To: Zonas [#8] 1 Aug 2005

I know this is an old thread but I was just reading it. I had similar problems with TDI - almost identical - and switched to Lamro. I started using TDI again to convert some logos that they had done for me on one machine that needed to go on a new machine. Anyway, I got the same message about the guy leaving there and contacted him and he is doing it on his own now. He is very prompt and reasonably priced and does any necessary revisions or changes until the logo is right. I presume that he does embroidery logos too but don't know for sure. Not sure what the deal was at TDI so I don't want to post his contact info here but if anyone wants to contact him, let me know off-line and I'll give you the info

From: Zonas [#24]
 1 Aug 2005
To: Colin (MATROPHY) [#23] 15 Aug 2005

Please send the information to me as I lost the email. Send it to: zonas (at) earthlink (dot) net


From: Da Big Fish (JOHNFISH) [#25]
 1 Aug 2005
To: Zonas [#24] 3 Aug 2005

If you want to be careful with your email addy, use the Private Message option (below to the right) and send a PM.


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