Full Version: value of doming
From: JayBeeOz [#2]
4 May 2005
To: cindy (ROBERTM) [#1] 4 May 2005
Hi Cindy
I charge $2.00 extra for a domed badge. A 2Kg pot of Epoxy costs me $260.00. I can get an average of around 600 badges from a pot.
From: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#3]
4 May 2005
To: cindy (ROBERTM) [#1] 4 May 2005
Its not really the extra value , doming lifts so many products that you cannot compare. A full photogrpahic digitally printed badge would look very flat and would actually not survive unless domed and so on.
To give an example of a added value , a 1" x 1" sticker will use about 1 gram of doming at about $15 for 1000 grams , IE about 1.5c worth of material.
We charge around $ 9 per sq ft of 1440 dpi print and die cut on premium vinyl and that translates to about 6c per decal (144 sq inches in a sq ft)
If we dome it with flexible urethanes , adding just 1.5c of material , we charge around 40-50c for that same decal on quantites of around 3000+ That's a fair added value Ie our selling price goes up to $60 per sq ft. You could normally double the price of a badge with ease and often more than that between undomed and domed.
From: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#4]
4 May 2005
To: JayBeeOz [#2] 4 May 2005
From: JayBeeOz [#5]
4 May 2005
To: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#4] 4 May 2005
It is UV Epoxy, imported from the US...Exchange rates comes into play
It does a good job, and is fully cured in 8 - 10 minutes.
In an earlier post in another thread I said that I got 400 - 500 badges out of a pot, I just finished an order for 500 badges, started a new pot and still have quite a bit left, so the estimate of 600 would probably be more like 700.
5 May 2005
To: JayBeeOz [#5] 5 May 2005
How do you dome and where do you purchase the material.
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#7]
5 May 2005
To: LARRY (CENTURYBADGE) [#6] 7 May 2005
Do a search using the word doming or dome. You will come up with a few how-to threads. Then read, read, read.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#8]
5 May 2005
To: LARRY (CENTURYBADGE) [#6] 7 May 2005
Terry Morris Productions has a website, www.ultradome.com which explains the process.
Terry sells the equipment and supplies as well. He's recently come out with an affordable ($99) "UV Storm Jr." model, with a cure area of up to 4.5 x 5.5 inches.
Plenty of good information on the site, regardless, if you buy from Terry or not :-)
From: JayBeeOz [#9]
5 May 2005
To: LARRY (CENTURYBADGE) [#6] 7 May 2005
I use a product called Clearglaze RC15 UV Cure Epoxy
I use an applicator gun to apply it to the surface of the badge then cure it under 2 different types of UV Lamps The first is UVC. This skins the surface of the epoxy, then UVA which cures the rest. It is a 'flexible' epoxy, not a rigid one. It is more expensive than the 2 part, but more convenient for small or single items.
I am in Australia, so you would need to source a supplier in the US.
7 May 2005
To: JayBeeOz [#9] 8 May 2005
From: Peter [#11]
8 May 2005
To: JayBeeOz [#9] 9 May 2005
RC15 UV clear costs about $350.00 for 2kg in Australia.
From: JayBeeOz [#12]
9 May 2005
To: Peter [#11] 9 May 2005
where are you buying from??