Full Version: Old School Silverplate Engraving

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#11]
 21 Sep 2005
To: Rob (AWARDZZ) [#10] 21 Sep 2005


Be prepared. My local Things Remembered (TR) closed and business jumped immediately. I would recommend sending a quick postcard to all of the mall businesses informing them of your business as an alternative for their engraving needs. Former customers of TR will ask surrounding businesses if they moved to a different space in the mall or if they closed. Get your name in front and grab all of these referrals.

From: Rob (AWARDZZ) [#12]
 21 Sep 2005
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#11] 21 Sep 2005

Thank you for the input....I might of pulled this one off on the right foot. When TR went out , I waited until they were gone, then visited the Hallmark type stores , jewerly etc and dropped off my business cards complete with lasered engraved business card holder with my hours. I stop by once every 2 weeks to replenish the cards.. ( I did not visit the super retailers like Dillards/Pennys but I can see I should.)
I just wish I had of given my last engraver purchase a little more thought..
Oh well....
Have a great day and good business.
(on the sunny southern shores of Lake Erie)

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13]
 21 Sep 2005
To: Rob (AWARDZZ) [#10] 21 Sep 2005


Thank you for the kind words. We're happy to help.

You're not doing that bad if you only have one sacrificial tankard; unless you plan to donate a new one to science.

You know what they say, "Practice makes you want to get rid of your pantograph." :-) 

I frequently use a manual pantograph, for jobs that can't be done in any other way. Believe me; I exhaust all possibilities before I go that route.

Last night, I took photos for another tutorial, which I'll call, "Poor Man's Hand Engraving" which will show, not only the dreaded "Wriggle Block" - a brass typeface designed to imitate the hand-engraved mainstay - but how to arc engrave around the lip of a silverplate bowl. It's not fun, but it works. :-) 

When manufacturers name a machine "Gift" it's not descriptive of all the items which can be engraved, which aren't gift-related.

I've always preferred versatility, over table size.

Sounds as if you're in a position to make people forget Things Remembered.

Good luck.

From: rich (RICHD) [#14]
 2 Jan 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 2 Jan 2007

I know this is an older post but just wanted to let you know how helpful all the photos were/(are). I'm looking forward to trying my hand at this soon.

I mostly want to be able to mark dials and degree wheels for the home shop tools/accessories I frequently make. I've done a bit of circular dividing on the lathe and milling machine so the pantograph should broaden my options.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#15]
 2 Jan 2007
To: rich (RICHD) [#14] 4 Jan 2007


Nothing wrong with reviving an older post. :-)

I enjoy doing the "PicTutorials", as I call them.

If you (or others) have any specific pantograph procedure(s) in mind, I'd be happy to develop some along those lines.

EDITED: 2 Jan 2007 by DGL

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