Full Version: Braille (ADA) Signage

From: Mike (EJPUBLISHER) [#1]
 9 Aug 2004

Anyone interested in creating Braille signage may be interested in several previously-published articles from The Engravers Journal as follows:

The Raster Method, Creating Braille Signage the Raster Way (May 02)

This is a review of Accent Signage System's "Raster" method of creating Braille. Another article of interest is:

A Look at Braille Translation Software (March/April 1992)

This article provides unfamiliar persons with a good overview of Braille and talks about Braille translation software packages. Most of the engraving system manufacturers either provide a package like these or have a built in Braille translator.

ADA signage utilizes grade 2 "literary Braille". The difference between that and grade 1 Braille is the latter is a straight translation of English characters to Braille dot characters, whereas grade 2 Braille utilizes a set of "contractions" -- special Braille characters which provide a phonetic pronunciation for certain character combinations, such as "th" in the word "thorough".

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