Full Version: Photograph Station

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#2]
 1 Jan 2006
To: Ed (EMANA) [#1] 1 Jan 2006

It was not me who posted it, but I loved the idea. I too cannot find it on the forum. It should be archived, but I need to come up with the right search words. It was a link to a page that showed the system.

I also connot find it in the manuals directory of my computer. I was sure I saved it.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#3]
 1 Jan 2006
To: Ed (EMANA) [#1] 1 Jan 2006

To the best of my recollection it was a left, back, top, and right sided frane made of PVC pipe and fittings. A white sheet went over it and lighting was diffused through the sheet. Colored backdrops could be put in the back in front of the sheet. Some of the fittings were PVC welded and some were not to allow for breakdown.

I need to revisit the idea again to update my website in an easier fashion than I did it the first time.

P.S. To photograph engraved glass well, use a dark grey background, it makes the engraving pop out better.

From: UncleSteve [#4]
 1 Jan 2006
To: Ed (EMANA) [#1] 1 Jan 2006

These aren't the one posted about but you can get information on some at:


http://www.pbase.com/otfchallenge/light_box (this one is a great tutorial including parts list and pictures!)


From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#5]
 1 Jan 2006
To: Ed (EMANA) [#1] Unread


Here it is......


It works quite well as I have built one some time ago.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#6]
 2 Jan 2006
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#5] 2 Jan 2006


Thank you for the above link. I am posting this for future search purposes.

light box PVC pipe elbows sheet back drop picture photographing home made

From: logojohn [#7]
 2 Jan 2006
To: Ed (EMANA) [#1] Unread

I made one before I saw the plans but it came out pretty close in concept.
I just used a big piece of plywood 2'x4' as the base and added 4 upright 2x4s in the corners and then connected them with other 2x4's at the top to stabilize it.

I had to make it tall since I have some 3' trophies and 18" plaques. The top can be covered or left open for the real tall stuff.

I used big 3' wide strips of thin white foam we have for packing for the light diffuser but I use the bed sheets for part of it now since I saw the plans.

Our asi dept. also bought a nice systems at the camera store for smaller stuff.

It folds up flat like a briefcase for storage and unfolds into about a 2' cube with a white backdrop and light diffuser sides. It even came with 2 lamps and a tall and short camera tripod all for around $100. One thing this doesn't have is a front with a whole to shoot the picture through. This is only a problem if you are doing highly reflective things like crystal or silver trays.


EDITED: 2 Jan 2006 by LOGOJOHN

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