Full Version: Beach Party Details - Important!

From: Peter [#57]
 25 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#54] 25 Feb 2006


EDITED: 25 Feb 2006 by PETER

From: bandit (LYLEKING) [#58]
 26 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#56] 26 Feb 2006

If I had known that "crashing" was an option I would not have sent a check.

Lyle King

From: JHayes55 [#59]
 26 Feb 2006
To: bandit (LYLEKING) [#58] 26 Feb 2006

We would have been watching for you B-)  - we have security set up for our Bash (devil)  Last year we made consideration of crashing the PDU party. We ended up having way to much fun to crash another party. In other words, our party is the place to be!

From: bandit (LYLEKING) [#60]
 26 Feb 2006
To: JHayes55 [#59] 27 Feb 2006

Yes, the word is out and we realize that we can not compete with you all so we have almost thrown in the towel, almost; (we may have a last minute announcement so retailors should stop by the booth). Looking forward to a great show and meeting all of the on line members.

Lyle King

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#61]
 26 Feb 2006
To: bandit (LYLEKING) [#60] 26 Feb 2006


I'm looking forward to the "mystery" announcement.

I'm also looking forward to meeting you in person.

What's your position with PDU?

From: bandit (LYLEKING) [#62]
 26 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#61] 26 Feb 2006


The technical title is Director of Sales. In reality it is whatever I am asked to do.

Likewise, I am loking forward to meeting you.

Lyle King

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#63]
 26 Feb 2006
To: bandit (LYLEKING) [#62] 26 Feb 2006


I understand.

I won't even try to define my official position, without a hat rack. :-) 

I'm still very curious about the mystery announcement. (devil) 

From: Becca (BECLYON) [#64]
 26 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 26 Feb 2006

Sorry, I missed where you said the day of the Beach Party. When is this happening?

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#65]
 26 Feb 2006
To: Becca (BECLYON) [#64] 27 Feb 2006


Thursday March 2nd, from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm.

That's the official time, although The Beach invites us to stay as long as we want.

I'll have to check, but it may be the food stops being served at 9:00 pm.

We have about 70 people confirmed!

Why not make it 72? :-) 

EDITED: 26 Feb 2006 by DGL

From: JHayes55 [#66]
 27 Feb 2006
To: bandit (LYLEKING) [#60] 27 Feb 2006


We don't want you guys to throw in the towel - just get done with the business and join your best customers at the Beach.

Just think, you will have a whole room full of potential customers in a good mood. Is there anything better for a Director of Sales????

By the way - we got new catalog pages for all the new products last week.
Looks like you have come up with some nice new items. ;-) 

For those forum members who are not familiar with PDU - be sure and check out their booth and displays of exciting new products, special pricing and listen closely for a huge last minute annoucement for retailors. :O  :O 



OK - Lyle how did I do??? B-) 

From: Becca (BECLYON) [#67]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#65] 27 Feb 2006

Turns out Don can't make it. It will just be me.

I will pay via PayPal and expect to see you there!


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#68]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Becca (BECLYON) [#67] 27 Feb 2006


Too bad. I was hoping to meet Don as well.

We're looking forward to meeting you. I did receive your payment, which will be reflected on the updated ARA/Beach Party list.

Thank you.

From: bandit (LYLEKING) [#69]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#68] 27 Feb 2006

You should be on the payroll. Thank you very much for the kind remarks. It is appreciated.

See you in Vegas,

Lyle King

From: Becca (BECLYON) [#70]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#68] 27 Feb 2006


Are any of you meeting any of the other nights? I recall something being said. I'm in town Monday through Friday.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#71]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Becca (BECLYON) [#70] 27 Feb 2006


It's a safe bet (no pun intended:) that you'll meet some of the people from the forum at Quark's Bar/Restaurant, located in the LV Hilton. Usually after the show.

I'll be in town from Wed. through Friday. Depending what time I get into town, I'll drop by Quark's, to see if anyone's there.

From: PenMan [#72]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#71] 27 Feb 2006

I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again. Oops! Wrong song. I'm leaving in a van tomorrow, be in Vegas by dinner. And I do know when I'll be back home again (Monday). Looking forward to meeting everyone.

From: JHayes55 [#73]
 27 Feb 2006
To: bandit (LYLEKING) [#69] 27 Feb 2006

Gee Lyle - I thought I was working on commission - wasn't that pitch worth at least 10% of gross sales at the booth during the show????

Lets see - 10% of a million - looks like a couple new engravers for me. ;-) 

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#74]
 27 Feb 2006
To: PenMan [#72] 27 Feb 2006


I'll be coming to town Wed. I'll be at Arizona Charlie's (Boulder) along with Harvey, Dee and yourself.

If I get to Vegas any sooner than last year (2 am) maybe we can hook up for breakfast, Thurs. morning.

From: PenMan [#75]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#74] 27 Feb 2006

Sounds good to me. I'm scheduled for classes all day Wednesday and a few on Thursday. Let me know when you get in (unless it's real late). Have a good trip.

From: Peter [#76]
 27 Feb 2006

Hi Guys......Sitting at the computer ...waiting ....waitng...waiting getting ready to go, seeing the kids off to school....not excited at all...because the kids arent with us...............

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