Full Version: Beach Party Details - Important!

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#71]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Becca (BECLYON) [#70] 27 Feb 2006


It's a safe bet (no pun intended:) that you'll meet some of the people from the forum at Quark's Bar/Restaurant, located in the LV Hilton. Usually after the show.

I'll be in town from Wed. through Friday. Depending what time I get into town, I'll drop by Quark's, to see if anyone's there.

From: PenMan [#72]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#71] 27 Feb 2006

I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again. Oops! Wrong song. I'm leaving in a van tomorrow, be in Vegas by dinner. And I do know when I'll be back home again (Monday). Looking forward to meeting everyone.

From: JHayes55 [#73]
 27 Feb 2006
To: bandit (LYLEKING) [#69] 27 Feb 2006

Gee Lyle - I thought I was working on commission - wasn't that pitch worth at least 10% of gross sales at the booth during the show????

Lets see - 10% of a million - looks like a couple new engravers for me. ;-) 

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#74]
 27 Feb 2006
To: PenMan [#72] 27 Feb 2006


I'll be coming to town Wed. I'll be at Arizona Charlie's (Boulder) along with Harvey, Dee and yourself.

If I get to Vegas any sooner than last year (2 am) maybe we can hook up for breakfast, Thurs. morning.

From: PenMan [#75]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#74] 27 Feb 2006

Sounds good to me. I'm scheduled for classes all day Wednesday and a few on Thursday. Let me know when you get in (unless it's real late). Have a good trip.

From: Peter [#76]
 27 Feb 2006

Hi Guys......Sitting at the computer ...waiting ....waitng...waiting getting ready to go, seeing the kids off to school....not excited at all...because the kids arent with us...............

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#77]
 27 Feb 2006
To: Peter [#76] 27 Feb 2006

Hi Guys......Sitting at the computer ...waiting ....waitng...waiting
.......... WHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! :-) 

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