Full Version: Elks usa font
From: shari (APPLIK) [#5]
11 Mar 2006
To: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#4] 11 Mar 2006
I ended up just vectoring from a gif file. On Google I typed in Elks USA logo; then go to the images. It is the first one on the top left. Click on the picture. When it takes you to the page just click on the view image full size at top. It's a nice large logo. Then I traced and did some cleaning up on it. I am doing some (38) 4.5" chili shaped badges with name, title, year, lodge #, and little elk logo for the group here. I just cut them out of red/white rowmark and engrave the rest. Thought I would do a sample bookmark for them as well. I have lots of ideas, but finding the time to make them up is another story.
From: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#6]
11 Mar 2006
To: shari (APPLIK) [#5] 11 Mar 2006