Full Version: Bravo Epilog Service
From: basehorawards [#2]
13 Mar 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#1] 13 Mar 2006
I originally hooked up my Epilog Mini with a USB connection. I had weird problems too but racked them up as "school fees." All of the techs at Epilog kept telling me that a network RJ45 connection was the way to go but I was stubborn. Finally I ended up with a spare NIC so I set it up Ethernet. WOW what a difference. my Cost of Spoilage account balance is "almost" zero dollars.
Epilog techs know what they are talking about. Great bunch of guys.
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#3]
24 Jun 2006
To: basehorawards [#2] 24 Jun 2006
The techs might, but it sounds like the designers might not.
USB is an inherently stable and reliable interface/protocol. But it sounds like their implementation (or that of whoever designed the USB interface they use on their mainboard) is not implemented correctly.
They warned me about the USB port vs ethernet port when I called with some questions while waiting for my laser, so I bought a NIC card and used that right from the start (no problems). But I've worked with a number of embedded controllers that have USB interfaces and have been able to get 100% reliable communications.