Full Version: Beach Party II Pics

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1]
 13 Mar 2006

OK folks! Here's what you've been patiently waiting for. :-) 

Beach Party II pictures, taken Thursday March 2nd, during the ARA International Awards Market, held in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Thank you to all who attended, for making this event a resounding success. A special thanks to Ed Holley, the evening's Master of Ceremonies and to Chuck Burke, (aka Hula Boy, Poi Boy) for capturing the festivities and providing the following images.

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Daybreak, of an especially long and unforgettable day. You can see the tracks of the newly-installed monorail system, in the foreground.

We were in Stitches sized.jpg

The Class of 2006! This photo was actually taken toward the end of the evening. Some of the 68 attendees had already departed, but as you can see, we still had a pretty healthy group remaining. Thank you to Terry Adams for taking the photo.

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One of my right-hand men, Harvey Lentchner and myself.

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Rolf and his lovely wife Leslie. I discovered Rolf and Leslie have recently become "empty nesters." Don't tell the kids, but I think they're enjoying their newfound status. :-) 

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Ed Holley and his pretty lady, Sharon, who recently celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations!

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Dave Loda, Ed Holley and Steve Natesky, (Marketing Director, Atomic Art)

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This handsome couple is Debbie Koehler and Greg Bencsik (Bux-Mont Awards)

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Our good friends and some of my favorite people, Joe and Toni Hayes (Graphics Galore Inc.)

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This photo doesn't do her justice, but this is the striking Jo Welter. (Oregon Awards & Engraving)

  Are we having fun sized.jpg

"Is this thing working!", says Ed Holley, as we break out the wireless mic, so people can introduce themselves and say a few words. Directly in front of Ed, is Brett Halle (Comet Technologies). To Brett's right (in the blue shirt, is Chris Tegard (Treasured Creations). To Chris' right, I believe is Josh Perelman. I apologize for not remembering everyone's names, but if you can help me out with the other people in the photo (facing the camera) I'll give them the recognition they deserve.

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Chuck Burke and the vivacious Kathy Vasic.

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From North Carolina, Jeff and Lisa Higginbotham (TrophyUSA)

Hula Boy and Engr Con sized.jpg

Roy Brewer, (who puts the "rep" in reputable), handsome Randy Allen, pretty Jeanette Brewer-Richardson (Engraving Concepts) and Chuck Burke.

BTW - I'm in negotiations with a national gossip magazine, for the sale of this photo. I'm told this is the first time Roy has ever been seen sitting down. :-) 

  Be Quiet and Listen sized.jpg

Here I am, announcing Ed Holley as the winner of the David Lavaneri look-alike contest. :-) 

Not really, but there is a likeness.

Hula Boy and Mrs Only sized.jpg

The dress code was pretty stringent, as evidenced by Chuck's Versaci gown. Harvey's wife, Dee Lentchner seems to approve. A little help with the name of the gentleman in the background please.

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I had to get a closer look at that skirt, which I now regret. :-) 

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Joe Hayes, Zona Hudkins (the world's most youthful Grandmother) and the Chuckster.

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Zona's handsome husband, Steve Hudkins.

The Onlys sized.jpg

Happy couple, Harvey and Dee Lentchner.

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Dennis Dwyer & pretty wife Linda (Bay Area Awards, FL)

  Peter Vasic Chuck sized.jpg

Of course, as the evening wore on, as with any good party, things began to spin completely out-of-control! Chuck Burke and Peter Vasic (down under) in a tender moment.

  The Professor and sized.jpg

Harvey, making noises only a dog could hear, upon receiving news that Peter and Chuck had just returned from a Vegas, drive-thru wedding chapel.

  Do you think sized.jpg

Friends of Mick, (representing Cactus Equipment), Kevin and Dana EuBanks. Kevin was overheard saying, "Are you REALLY sure we want to be associated with these people?" To which Dana replied, "Just chug that beer and we'll hit the road. Make it snappy!!" :-) 

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Lynne and Dave Loda. Lynne thinking, "When did rocks become an ingredient in egg rolls?" Dave thinking, "I wonder if it's too late to get a refund from Lavaneri?"

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Chuck, hoping Rolf is getting ready to whistle. Chuck was able to wriggle out of this one by saying, "It's OK Rolf. An ice cream, at the next day's ARA, will be plenty of thanks." :-) 

Mr Ed and Sharon Holly size.jpg

Last, but not least, as much as I tried to preside over an above-board event, there's always one party animal to crash the party. Good thing it was all-you-can-eat. The guy ate like a horse!

I couldn't even get his name rank and serial number. All he would say is, "I am Mister Ed." :-) 

As you can see, we barely touched on all the people who attended the party, but I'm sure you'll agree, if you weren't there, you really missed out.

Why not join us in 2007? You'll be happy you did. :-) 

EDITED: 24 Apr 2006 by DGL

From: JHayes55 [#2]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 14 Mar 2006

All these photos and not a single comment yet! I viewed them early this morning (yes - it was a scary way to wake up). The photos must have left everyone speechless!!

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#3]
 14 Mar 2006
To: JHayes55 [#2] 14 Mar 2006

All these photos and not a single comment yet! I viewed them early this morning (yes - it was a scary way to wake up). The photos must have left everyone speechless!!

It must have been the cameraman

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#4]
 14 Mar 2006

Depending on your internet access, you may have to give the page time to load. Someone mentioned seeing broken links in this post, but from my computer, all is accounted for.

Could it be a browser thing?

From: Barbara (RGILE) [#5]
 14 Mar 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#3] 14 Mar 2006

Hi Everyone,
I am glad that you posted the pictures. It really looks like you all had a great time ! (some, more than others ) Anyway, it was nice to see all of you having such a great time, and I only wish I had been there.
Now, I have faces to put with names on the forum.

I hope you all learned a lot of new things, and now those of us who didn't attend, can get some hot tips.

Nice to see all of you.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Barbara (RGILE) [#5] 15 Mar 2006


The pictures represent a small percenatge of the overall attendance.

Next year, we'll have to get the "Class Picture" earlier on and perhaps capture people's individual pictures as they arrive.

Just part of the learning curve of live get-togethers. :-) 

Better yet, show up next year and you won't miss a thing!

From: UncleSteve [#7]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#4] 14 Mar 2006


I was missing two of the pictures out of the post.

Then I got a message from Windows XP that "certain individuals" cannot be photographed and do not reflect in a mirror or cast shadows....

THEN I just attributed it to who was supposed to be in those two pictures..... (devil) 

Message 3169.8 was deleted

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#9]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#8] 14 Mar 2006

Apparently our software ended the link at the first space.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10]
 14 Mar 2006

I changed the names, to remove the commas. Any better?

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#11]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10] 14 Mar 2006

That took care of it. We learn something new every day.

From: JHayes55 [#12]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#11] 14 Mar 2006

It's all Chucks (Laser Duds) fault!!

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13]
 14 Mar 2006
To: JHayes55 [#12] 14 Mar 2006


I wouldn't say that, but you can. :-) 

I'm happy to have had Chuck there with his camera. Otherwise, we wouldn't have had much to post.

From: JHayes55 [#14]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13] 14 Mar 2006

I cannot remember how but didn't we have someone volunteer to bring a camera and do photos?

If so who was it? & What happened to them?

From: Zonas [#15]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 14 Mar 2006

For the record......Steve and I weren't the only ones that ate, but I guess we had to show what the 'food' looked like. You know to really show our strength - we should set a time next year and take the picture at the show. (think of all the people who will wonder WHO are they????)

I'm not going to let Steve see his caption......

Reminder to everyone the show is earlier next year. FEB. 21-24, 2007


From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#16]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Zonas [#15] 14 Mar 2006


That is a great idea. Maybe we could do a narrower picture by stair-stepping people up a stairway. Something a little like this. LINK

Really, I do like the idea. Someone could be holding a banner that says www.engravingetc.org LasVegas 2007

EDITED: 14 Mar 2006 by DATAKES

From: John (ICTJOHN) [#17]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#16] 14 Mar 2006


So, which one in the photo are you???? (devil) 

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#18]
 14 Mar 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#17] 14 Mar 2006


What you talkin' bout? I wasn't there, but here is my picture.

EDITED: 14 Mar 2006 by DATAKES

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#19]
 14 Mar 2006
To: JHayes55 [#14] 14 Mar 2006


Ruben Salcedo was the volunteer, but he showed up a little late. I'm not sure if he took photos or not.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#20]
 14 Mar 2006
To: Zonas [#15] 14 Mar 2006


I have the power to change Steve's caption, but isn't it accurate? :-) 

I think the idea of a "Class Picture", when the largest number of members are available, is a great idea. After all, some of the members, although at the show, had other obligations that precluded the Beach Party.

As David T. points out, a banner would be a nice touch as well.

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