Full Version: Info on font

From: sunny (SUNSHINE5555) [#4]
 19 Mar 2006
To: Zonas [#1] 19 Mar 2006

I did a google and found this link http://www.embroiderysa.co.za/astitchahalf/fontmania5.html

I don't know anything about them, but you could do a google and see if there is anything else out there.

I have a program that I can create lettering from most true-type fonts, but I don't own the Bailey Script font.

From: Zonas [#5]
 19 Mar 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#3] 19 Mar 2006

Thanks everybody, you've given me some different sources to try. The problem seems to be in finding the Bailey Script. (oh, I can open all but .art files and resave to my pes format). Thanks again


From: logojohn [#6]
 19 Mar 2006
To: Zonas [#5] 19 Mar 2006

I can open all but .art files

.art files are a creation of AOL. Not sure if they still do it but they used to convert any jpg or bmp file emailed or downloaded through AOL to their own .art format.

Many programs can't import them. But they will open in Internet Explorer. Just drag the file to the address bar.

You can then select "save as" and select .bmp from the pull down menu on the "type" line. It will then open in anything that can open a .bmp file.

The compression was greater than other types so often they are not of the best quality.


From: Liberty [#7]
 19 Mar 2006
To: Zonas [#5] 20 Mar 2006

In our Wilcom digitizing software we can convert most True Type fonts to embroidery files. It works very well about half the time. We always try it first and if the results are not useable we digitize the lettering. There are a few other programs that will convert TTF's but none with the quality results like Wilcom. As for "Bailey Script," I have a font called Bailey but it is more of a handwriting than a script.

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