Full Version: vehicle vinyl

From: aallen [#4]
 18 May 2004
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#3] 18 May 2004

Yes, I should say, vinyl like material. I have heard of others lasering those, but never got the details of what they were using. I would like to do it myself and not go to a vinyl cutter, as I would like to make several different ones for the vehicles. But, maybe that won't work:(


a allen
country images

From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#5]
 18 May 2004
To: aallen [#1] 18 May 2004

a allen,

I'd suggest you contact one of the following vendors who are quite knowledgeable about tapes, foils, magnetic materials and would be able to make a recommendation as to which might withstand outdoor requirements. My first thought would be the magnetic material which can be both engraved and cut with your laser.

Judy Rasmussen mailto:judy@innotape.com
Mike Fruciani http:\\www.laserbits.com


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