Full Version: It's not about Immigration

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#15]
 3 May 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#14] 3 May 2006


I'm not opposed to that at all.

If the fence idea doesn't fly, electronic surveillance will probably be the next best thing, but that can easily become heavy grist for the conspiracy theorists, knowing it can be used on anyone.

Good luck to those having to make the crucial decisions.

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#16]
 3 May 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13] 3 May 2006

edited to add: the last two posts were made as I was typing.

Is an impenetrable wall necessary, how about the ability to detect and intercept as an alternative?

Detect: Satellite, ground vibration, string two wires as a capacitance based sensor. Infrared, computer vision... go high tech.

Intercept: helicopters, and ground vehicles.

How about a plant based barrier to slow those that have passed the sensor line.

Those caught need to be identified by some means not perceived as easy to mutilate (finger prints); Use a retina scan or some other biometric.

Currently there is no deterrent. It's taken for granted if you get stopped on your first attempt, you'll make it on your second. -No risk, easy, lots of perceived potential gain...

EDITED: 3 May 2006 by KDEVORY

From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#17]
 3 May 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#15] 3 May 2006

What the hell David, Bush has already been tapping our phones and taking away more and more of our Constitutional rights in the name of security, all the while the borders are basically wide open for anyone to walk in.

Spending 40 Billion in 2005 alone for Homeland Security is a joke. Even Halburton in a non bid contract could build your fence for that kind of money and still have money left over to give Foreign Aid to the Saudi's; who really need it since the price of oil is so low.

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#18]
 3 May 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#17] 3 May 2006

I think it was Saudi Arabia that just lowered their price of gas in their country because the previous 60 cents per gallon was a "hardship for their citizens".

From: UncleSteve [#19]
 3 May 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#17] 3 May 2006

Bush has already been tapping our phones

Does this mean you are coming out of the closet? The only calls being "tapped" according to the reports in the news AND from the White Tower, er, House were int'l calls to the middle east.....


From: Mick [#20]
 3 May 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#8] 3 May 2006

Hi Dave,

Here in Colorado if someone trespasses on your property and you feel your life is threartened, it is cool (legal) to shoot them.

The (illegals, immigrants, aliens etc., etc.) are trespassing on our country, and they are threatening my (way) of life.

Maybe don't shoot em, but sure as HELL get them outa here !

There are many LEGAL ways to immigrate to OUR country.


EDITED: 3 May 2006 by MICK

From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#21]
 3 May 2006
To: UncleSteve [#19] 3 May 2006

You caught me :S 

From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#22]
 3 May 2006
To: Mick [#20] 3 May 2006


Now don't you go shooting ET. He's a good Alien. Where is Agent's Scully & Mulder when you need them to track down the bad ones

It was great seeing you in Vegas!

From: Bieb (HABIEB) [#23]
 3 May 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13] 3 May 2006

And who will build this fence? The Mexicans? LOL

Yeah!! put a fence up north too... keep them pesky Canadians out, (unless they come with good beer)

LOL... just to lighten it up a bit...


From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#24]
 3 May 2006
To: Bieb (HABIEB) [#23] 5 May 2006

I don't think they would have a problem being paid to build something to keep out the competition.

From: Franklin (FW_HAYNES) [#25]
 3 May 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#17] 4 May 2006

1. The wire tap thing is so old news and has been for a while. It never was the extent that "some" democrats made it out to be. It was only on "some conversations from out of country lines to suspected and known links to certain groups out side of the U.S. Your phone was never bugged and neither was over 97% of the rest of America.
2. I and two of my friends have worked with Haliburton in the past. They make bids like everyone else, they just have proof of ability to be able to do the job going for them, so they do get put at the top of the list a lot of times. And all of this stuff with Chaney and Haliburton is false since he has no shares in the company any more and hasn't been connected with them in years. Again, misrepresented information.
Politically, we all differ in this forum, but instead of turning a thread about a current situation that does affect us as business owners into a reason to bash the administration with old issues that doesn't hold alot of water is a waste of time.
I personally feel that both the republicans and democrats have worked to flush this country down the toilet by pandering to their own power. Its time that a third party take the reins for a while. Unfortunately, no third party can raise the funds to stand up to the bigwigs.
Anyway, off of my soap box on this issue. On a lighter note:
An economic survey of our area was done. And though it is an estimate, it shows that our city actually gained more money this week because of Monday than they would have made if it were a normal day. Turns out, more people (primarily hispanics I guess) went to the stores on Sunday to buy stuff they would probably have bought on Monday. apparently, there was also a boost in sales at some of the local theatres and restaurants also, probably because these people out stocking up for the boycott felt that since they were not going to work the next day that that would have been a good time to eat out and go to the movies.
Also, I heard an interview with a lady who supported the boycott by spending all day Saturday and Sunday silk screening protest shirts and selling them at the rally on Monday. I don't think they quite got the whole idea of what the boycott was all about.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#26]
 3 May 2006
To: Franklin (FW_HAYNES) [#25] Unread


Here in Oxnard, the protest had little impact. The farmworkers put their hours in, over the weekend, so they could protest Monday. :-) 

Just shifted their shopping and work days, to those other than Monday.

From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#27]
 4 May 2006
To: Franklin (FW_HAYNES) [#25] Unread

1. The wire tap thing is so old news and has been for a while. It never was the extent that "some" democrats made it out to be. It was only on "some conversations from out of country lines to suspected and known links to certain groups out side of the U.S. Your phone was never bugged and neither was over 97% of the rest of America.
Based on your figures, that over 6,000,000 illegal wiretaps. Don't know about you but I hold my Rights pretty damn high and freedom of expression without the fear of retailation is one of them!!

It's not old news if the President continues to break the law and thunbs his nose at the Constitution.

Excuse me, Haliburton was awarded MANY no competitive bid contracts. And if you think having no shares in the Company is proof that there is no favoratism toward Chaney's former company, you need to get the rose colored glasses off.

If you will check the name of this fold it is Editorials and there is no limit to the discussion and since I started the thread I can take it pretty much where I please.

I think you still have the right to not read any post you so choose, that right still hasn't been taken away from you, yet.

 4 May 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#27] 4 May 2006

Hi Dave,

You have a problem with tapping people that are suspected terrorists that are making outside calls to other countries?


Are you a suspected terrorist making calls outside the country?

I highly doubt it....

Wouldn't you place the people of this country's rights to decent security, over the rights of suspected terrorists making calls to outside countries?

Don't get me wrong.....This administration is my party.... I'm not particularly happy with them, but to try to argue that it's better to allow suspected terrorists to have phone conversations with outside entitys that could be a threat seems foolish to me.

Regarding if the administration's action was/is legal or not.....That is still up for debate.......I haven't seen any ruling that says it isn't. At least none that has the power to change the present behavior. My guess is that they are still tapping suspected terrorists that are making calls to outside countries.

And they should be!

I wish the administration would be as aggressive with sealing up the borders and working on a solution to the immigration problems we are having.

From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#29]
 4 May 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#28] 4 May 2006


No government spying??? Typed an answer to your post and the forum crashed. Obviously the Admin has infected my computer tracking my keystrokes!!

Removing tongue in cheek, you asked
You have a problem with tapping people that are suspected terrorists that are making outside calls to other countries?

Are you saying that they are not tapping suspected terrorists that are making calls to other people inside the USA? Just as long as it is legal I have no problem, but it has to be a suspect, not all calls.

More later

 4 May 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#29] 4 May 2006

Are you saying that they are not tapping suspected terrorists that are making calls to other people inside the USA? Just as long as it is legal I have no problem, but it has to be a suspect, not all calls.

I see nothing to support the suggestion of illegal activity by this administration when it comes to tapping phones.

In this post.....

Bush has already been tapping our phones and taking away more and more of our Constitutional rights in the name of security.

You suggested that this administration will/might tap anyone....This is false. That was clearly addressed by the administration when the media overblew the coverage on their discovery of the administrations tapping policy. Their policy does not include tapping anyone other than suspected terrorist, specificaly calling outside of the USA.....

If you are suggesting that the administration is lying about this policy, I'm sure that if there was any proof of this that the liberal media would be all over it. There isn't, and they aren't.

I don't know of anyone fitting this description, but if I did.....I would want them to be tapped.

Like I said...I'm a conservative republican (not necessarily a happy one).....You don't need to make stuff up to criticize the conservative side of the aisel......There's plenty of stuff like border softness, lack of action on their original agenda, Fuel prices, and a host of other things with which to complain about to go around......Illegal phone tapping just isn't on the list...... :) 

From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#31]
 4 May 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#30] 4 May 2006


Can you show me in what law or in our Constitution where it says ANYONE can wiretap someone at any time without a warrant.

This Nation was founded on Laws.

From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#32]
 4 May 2006

I didn't save the link to the article, but there was a study done on political "issues" using brain scans. It showed that the parts of the brain associated with emotion were active, not those associated with logic. People might say they are open minded and just looking at the facts, but the study proved they are emotionally guarding their own perspectives.

 4 May 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#31] 4 May 2006

Show me where what they are doing is illegal. If the left could...don't you think they would be charging them with breaking the law??? If for nothing less than politics?


Just because I can't show you where it says they can, it doesn't mean that they can't......And I personally agree with what they are doing.....It makes logical sense. For once, what the government is doing makes sense, and you have to complain about it ;) 

From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#34]
 4 May 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#33] 4 May 2006

I stand corrected, mea culpa. In searching to prove you wrong I came upon this.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 allows wiretapping of aliens and citizens in the US based on a finding of probable cause to believe that the target is a member of a foreign terrorist group or an agent of a foreign power. For US citizens and permanent resident aliens, there must also be probable cause to believe that the person is engaged in activities that "may" involve a criminal violation. Suspicion of illegal activity is not required in the case of aliens who are not permanent residents � for them, membership in a terrorist group is enough, even if their activities on behalf of the group are legal.
It appears that 2000 was the last time figures were published. I find the last sentence interesting.

Nor does the figure of 1,190 approved wiretaps surveillances for 2000 cover the separate set of authorizations issued by a select group of federal judges, operating under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), who yearly issue nearly 1,000 interception and physical search orders in foreign counterintelligence and international terrorism cases (1,012 in 2000) (It is hard to tell, given the classified nature of the court's proceedings, how many wiretaps these orders entail. Some of the orders are good for one year, while some require reauthorization every ninety days, so some targets are the subject of four orders in a year. On the other hand, one order may authorize multiple taps. Plus, starting in 1996, the figures for the FISA court included physical searches ("black bag jobs") which are probably relatively few in number.) In its entire existence, since 1978, the FISA court has only twice (once in 1980 and once in 1997) refused a government request for electronic surveillance authority.


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