Full Version: DSSI Engraving Folder / EE Announcement

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#152]
 8 May 2006
To: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#147] Unread

I will only respond to a few of your points to try to clear up my understanding.

5) I have NEVER asked that my contributions be deleted , but in the light of the fact that they will be used to draw customers to personally enrich David or others and his willingness to use the delete button , I would object to them being used when and if this forum officially becomes a pay to view entity. I gave them in the light of people helping people , and would suggest those wishing to utilise them to DL and save em before david pushes his magic delete button. It makes no difference to ME whether they are deleted here , I'm not that attached to em. Even in a free to view area , they are still an inducement in terms of a membership drive and it's not acceptable that they are used that way.

No argument either way, but I do not understand the answer. Do you, or do you not, want your posts deleted when we go subscription? We would love to leave them, but will bow to your wishes.

6) As to being snarky , well I really dont need an utter newbie to tell me I'm eating sour grapes etc, but I will admit , the better way for me to have handled it would have been to ignore it. Thats what I'm doing forthwith.

Newbie or oldie, the important thing is 'member'.

7) At no point were the members who have made this site what it is , consulted as to potential changes. This nonsense that it was always intended to be a site that made a profit for the owner was never clearly stated. We all realised at some stage that expenses in hosting needed to be recovered , but not this. worse than this is that now objections are being raised , they are not even being considered or taken heed of.

Over the past year there were two nearly identical threads as this one asking for opinions. All opinions were listened to and discussed, guess you missed them.

The issue right now has become a case of whether I really want to be part of something run by a dictator who unilaterally takes actions ...

Every company is run by a board of directors that ends up being a dictator. If not it would fall apart by everyone going in different directions. In small companies the dictator is the owner if he is smart.

What is really disturbing is that David and co have found the need to make this site "pay" , had this been a drive to recover some out of pocket expenses for running it is one thing , this is not - it is an attempt to milk the goodwill of others for personal gain and flies in the face of all the noble altruistic sentiments that he professes to have.

I guess you have decided what is happening through your own personal filters and will not allow other opinions to interfere. It would really be nice if we could line our pockets with this. But that is not the intent. Oops, that will not get through the filter.

I actually no longer wish to participate here or waste time arguing the points.

Only on the participating here part do we disagree.

Good luck, and thanks for your past contributions.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#153]
 8 May 2006
To: spudislander (WILLM) [#151] 8 May 2006

WHY? should I pay you anything.

Short answer: You shouldn't, if my plan doesn't appeal to you.

Nothing at all, wrong with competiton. It can only serve to drive the action.

I'm considering the all the opinions I've read here and entertaining some "tweaks" including a cost-free "approved" forum, with a qualified moderator.

Those who are bailing, are doing so of their own accord.

No attack on Rodney's writing skills. Just pointing out a fact.

He's quite articulate, but there's a decided difference between creating forum posts and a comprehensive, well-written article. I spent a considerable amount of time in turning his post into an article.

I'm not looking to be compensated for that time, but a response to direct questions, from several emails, I think most of us would agree, would be following professional protocol.

Rodney's shown his true colors in this thread, with the most offensive, calling members of this forum information leeches.

I'm actively seeking to recruit all the information leeches I can attract.

Of course, I'd refer to them as valuable members of EE.org

From: spudislander (WILLM) [#154]
 8 May 2006
To: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#147] Unread

Hi Rodney,

I think you made your points accurately and clearly.

Your posts have been the single biggest reason I tune into the forum. With your departure there is far less value for me here. I have 10+ years experience engraving and come here to leech information about other processes that you and few others bring to this forum. You have been an ispiration for me and many others I'm sure. If I were to ever travel to your part of the world, you'd be on my short list of things to see :-) 

While I understand David's direction and agree with his goals of making a profit, I am in complete disagreeance with his methods and model.

As a result I will continue to leech here freely until the time comes when I can not BUT my participation will now be directed to


or whatever name it becomes. hope to read you there ;-) 


From: EncompassTech [#155]
 8 May 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#129] 8 May 2006

since you are always talking about DSSI as your "sister" site, I must assume you are referring to me? Trying to get a new conspiracy theory going? :P 

It's easy enough to check David.

You can see IP addresses on posts and using your admin utility. I have 2 static IP addresses. I have no idea if I have logged in here with one or two but most likely at some point I have used both of them (if not I would be happy to provide you with both numbers by logging out and logging back in using the other one).

Do either of my IP addresses match sprinter's?

The other way would be to look at the whois data to see who registered the site (and no, we don't go looking for someone to register sites for us).

I really have enough headaches with one site, I don't need more. People who want to may post in the Engraving Folder I setup on DSSI. Yes, it was going to be temporary but I am taking your advice and going to leave it there. I may also setup an embroidery folder since many of my users also do embroidery. No need to setup another forum, there are plenty of embroidery forums out there too. It would be just like your dye sub folder, nice to have a quick place to drop a question if needed wihtout logging into other forums.

Good luck.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#156]
 8 May 2006
To: EncompassTech [#155] 8 May 2006


You finally have confused me.

If you replied to the proper post, I cannot see what you are referring to.

Do you mean we think you are sprinter? Never entered my mind. Why should you take that on in addition to your already overloaded schedule? You are doing a good job on DSSI, and do not need any more overload.

David said in another post that the engraving folder in DSSI might be temporary or may not be temporary. My opinion is that is your choice and I have no reason to look for it to be one way or the other.

Your forum gave David the courage to start this one, for that we are all very grateful. There are nothing but warm feelings toward you and DSSI. There are times I am not sure you know that. Overwork can make some short answers that can look differently than what the mean, so I always give you the benefit of the doubt. I have known you for a long time and like you as a person and as a forum Wizard. (Term of the top forum person, for the unfamiliar. On Beehive it is called the Queen Bee.)

From: EncompassTech [#157]
 8 May 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#156] 8 May 2006

yes, it sounds to me like David seems to think I am sprinter... he is referring to "sibling" and he is always referring to DSSI as the "sister site"

ask him.

It sounds to other people that way too because someone else told me about that post. I came to find out what it really said.

I don't care. I know it's not me and he can think whatever he wants. He should just check things that are easily checkable before making accusations like that.


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#158]
 8 May 2006
To: EncompassTech [#157] 8 May 2006

My problem Is that I do not see the insinuation. Maybe I am just thick or have my own personal filters on.

Whichever, peace and good wishes to you.

From: EncompassTech [#159]
 8 May 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#158] 8 May 2006

I suspect there's an element of sibling rivalry at play.

Is that the case? You can be honest; can't you?

who do you think he is talking about?

I'm sure I could be way off base but like I said his refrence to DSSI as the "sister site" to EE sounds like he is referring to me.

(psssttt, Harvey... maybe we can throw this dicussion off track ;-)  )

:) Cherie

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#160]
 8 May 2006
To: EncompassTech [#159] 8 May 2006

And I read that as sprinter's site being a child/sibling site of EE.

I just do not see your connection, although the words might be able to be interpreted like that. I know for certain that he is not 'out to get you'.

Off tracking this discussion is a good endeavor.

From: sprinter [#161]
 8 May 2006
To: EncompassTech [#159] 8 May 2006

This is funny, your much better looking than me and don't have a mustache. ;-) 

From: EncompassTech [#162]
 8 May 2006
To: sprinter [#161] 8 May 2006

woooo... narrowing down the possibilities here... you have a mustache? :O  Let's see that narrows it down to a few hundred people I have met at the trade shows ... lol

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#163]
 8 May 2006
To: EncompassTech [#162] 8 May 2006

Oh oh, I have a mustache.

From: EncompassTech [#164]
 8 May 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#163] 8 May 2006

David has one too... maybe he is doing it to catch all of the people who depart ;) 

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#165]
 8 May 2006
To: EncompassTech [#164] 8 May 2006

Aha, the plot thickens.

(Or is that the plot sickens.) :-) 

From: UncleSteve [#166]
 8 May 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#163] 8 May 2006

So do half the grandmothers in a few specific cultures. (which I will NOT define!) :-$ 

From: Semi-Accurate Engraver (LONEHAWK) [#167]
 8 May 2006
To: UncleSteve [#166] 8 May 2006

Wrong button, this should be "reply to ALL." :-) 

Well, this thread has certainly created a lot of heat and friction among a community that was previously almost religious about courtesy. (At least from what I've observed in the short time I've been here.)

If anything, this thread has revealed so much about so much. If any good should come out of this I would hope it would be that parties on both sides could learn to open up thier minds about the other side of the coin. A closed mind just locks in the darkness. :S 

If the bickering stops, and the understanding begins, then even greater opportunities for new ideas, advancement and cooperation from opposing sides could yield an even greater combined entity.

It's funny, I can see and agree with the point of all the posts except for the parts where insults and criticism are implied or plainly stated.

Though, If I'm to be understanding about that, I guess I have to understand that not everyone has the same degree of diplomatic ability. We all have positive abilities in different amounts. The trick is, to use all our positive abilities--whether diplomacy, forgiveness, understanding or even intelligence etc.-- in a good way and not let our pride sneak in negative motives for them.

It just saddens me to see a community torn in half like this. Maybe I'm wrong and people are just venting, but I'm new here and was just starting to really enjoy getting to know people and contributing and now it seems to be ending.

Just for the record, I won't be joining the "pay" site for reasons I stated previously. I don't have any hard feelings about this though toward anyone. Just a little sad because like I said, to have just discoverd this place and now to see this happening, well, it's just kind of a bummer. :'-( 

EDITED: 8 May 2006 by LONEHAWK

From: clay (CLAY_J1955) [#168]
 8 May 2006

Well this has been an E-ticket ride for the past few days. Score another one to the almighty dollar for screwing up a good thing. Thats not a dig at you David, i had no idea you planned to do this, but that my fault. I didnt read deep enough or it was in a thread that didnt peak my interest. I dont join pay sites on the internet, never have never will.

Happy Trails

From: William Desrochers (DRAKESIS) [#169]
 8 May 2006

I also will not be joining the "pay" forum once its up.
I wish you the best of luck for the future.

An alternative, That I would more than jump for is if it was a yearly donation of say bout $50.00.

As I am in another forum that I and others donate yearly.
We are given to our accounts extra options to a artwork folder
where we share and can request files that we've made/done
and also the option to post in another folder for selling.

They also have the option to donate more to get a "merchant" option where we can advertise our products to other forum members.

They been doing it for about 2 years now and they've grown bigger than anyone had imaged (3,628 users) when they converted over.

Here are the options that they give, might help you out for ideas:

Contributing Member:
This is a voluntary, renewable membership fee for those Registered Members wishing to help defray cost of operating the forum.
1 Year - US$50.00
6 Months - US$30.00
3 Months - US$17.50
1 Month - US$7.50

Merchant Member (Job Shop):
For shops in the engraving, embroidery, sublimation, signmaking, screen printing, digital printing & other areas. This allows you to create new threads in the Merchant Classified Forum to make announcements and, in general, to promote your products and services.
1 Year - US$150.00

Merchant Membership (Supplier):
For manufacturers, resellers, distributors & others not involved in operating a engraving, embroidery, sublimation, signmaking, screen printing, digital printing business. Membership allows you to create new threads in the Merchant Classified Forum to make announcements & to promote your products & services.
1 Year - US$300.00

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#170]
 8 May 2006
To: EncompassTech [#155] 8 May 2006


I apologize for my theory, suggesting that you, in some way may have been involved with the EEF effort.

Despite our differences, regarding how to run a forum, you've always been extremely ethical.

In the past, some of the DSSI regulars have claimed, by my having a dye sub folder on EE, that I was trying to usurp the supremacy of DSSI, as the hot bed of activity for the dye sub community.

That's never been the case. The fact is, that dye sub has always been under the umbrella of the awards and engraving industry.

We talk about all things, awards and engraving industry and it's a topic of which I have more than a passing interest and knowledge.

Once again, I apologize for the insinuation and I have no problem with DSSI discussing engraving etc., etc.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#171]
 8 May 2006

I've listened to the opinons and have decided to leave this forum free, although it will be headed by another moderator.

I've contacted a person who I feel would make an excellent choice. If he declines my offer, it will be up to the membership to decide who they wish to run the forum.

Once the subscription side is established, I'll continue to participate, as time allows.

EDITED: 8 May 2006 by DGL

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