Full Version: Can you select all one color and change color at once??

From: joyce (JLADY) [#6]
 13 May 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#5] 13 May 2006

Ok we found it, and followed the simple instructions but it said the color wasn't found. We are trying to replace 1 black with another black.

From: Patty (PDI) [#7]
 13 May 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#6] 13 May 2006

That's what I mean about finding exactly right shade of black.

Send me your file at pdimagesZ@Zqwest.net and I'll be able to talk you through it. (remove the Zs)

When you get this whooped, you'll love me for it. :) 


From: joyce (JLADY) [#8]
 13 May 2006
To: Patty (PDI) [#7] 13 May 2006

Actually my employee is the one doing it. We tried it together once and it didn't work and she is refusing to try it again. She says it doesn't work so she is going to sit there and select each one separately!!

I do appreciate your offer to help though.

From: John (ICTJOHN) [#9]
 13 May 2006
To: Patty (PDI) [#7] 13 May 2006


When you get this whooped, you'll love me for it. :) 

If she doesn't, I DO!

See I learned something already today, so I can go home now......................NOT!

Thanks for the nifty lesson.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10]
 13 May 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#9] 13 May 2006


You beat me too it.

We love Patty anyway, but I suppose a little extra love, for a valuable tip, won't be rejected. :-) 

From: Patty (PDI) [#11]
 13 May 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#8] 13 May 2006

I'm sorry to hear that. It's no exaggeration when I say that this search/replace can do in 30 seconds what used to take me 30 minutes to do. And its way more accurate.

Its a cheap thrill when the client says, "can I see that in green instead of blue?" ... and the change is done in 30 seconds.

Since I originally came from the printing industry, it was a useful tool when printing separations. If I called out the wrong color model (RGB instead of CYMK), I could run the file and get rid of the extra plates in a jiffy.

Perhaps when the stress of this particular job has passed, you can find time to play with the feature.


From: Shaddy [#12]
 13 May 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#8] 14 May 2006

Is the "Eyedropper/Paintbucket" tools available in Corel 12?

Choosing Eyedropper, then the options in the toolbar Sample Color, the Select From Desktop. Then change to the Paintbucket and start clicking wherever you want the color changed. Will differintiate between RGB and CMYK, will sample a color fill, then transfer to a line color (so careful where you click).

I know I was probably confusing, but look it up in the help or just try some clicking.


From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#13]
 13 May 2006
To: Patty (PDI) [#4] 13 May 2006


Cool, learned something today, guess I can go to bed now!



From: gt350ed [#14]
 13 May 2006
To: Patty (PDI) [#11] 13 May 2006

Actually, I'm more concerned about the attitude of Joyce's "employee", but I guess that's for another thread. >.< 

EDITED: 13 May 2006 by GT350ED

From: Patty (PDI) [#15]
 13 May 2006
To: gt350ed [#14] 14 May 2006

I agree Ed. It seems like a classic example of staying in your comfort zone instead of trying to learn something new. Yes, it may take a few minutes to figure it out but the time saving in the long run is well worth it.

I was excited to provide the perfect answer to a question. It's a feature I use frequently and while it can be frustrating when you have the wrong color model, its well worth it.

I'm pleased others can make use of it.


EDITED: 13 May 2006 by PDI

From: joyce (JLADY) [#16]
 14 May 2006
To: gt350ed [#14] 14 May 2006

Actually, I'm more concerned about the attitude of Joyce's "employee", but I guess that's for another thread.

She has been doing this since the 70's so she knows everything. And yes she is very resistant to change.

"but that's the way it's always been"


Edited to allow line breaks so it does not show up three screens wide. Harvey

EDITED: 14 May 2006 by HARVEY-ONLY

From: Upacreek [#17]
 15 May 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#16] 15 May 2006

Having taught computer classes for years I dealt with many different types of students. Some had never touched a computer before, some stubborn, cranky, set-in-their-ways, frightened or just plain clueless, I found several ways to get past that hurdle.

You know that old saying about leading a horse to water... Don't force her to learn at that moment. You have done the first step in bringing the new idea to her attention. She now knows such a thing may exist, even if it "doesn't work." Later today, tomorrow, next week, when there is no pressure to learn a new concept, you can try showing her your new trick in a completely positive manner. (Hey Mary! Look at the cool new trick I learned! I'm so excited I figured it out I HAVE to share it with someone!) (Just make sure you fully understand how it works before showing her.)

You'll have decide for yourself upon how receptive her mood is at the time on whether you show the nifty new trick at your computer or at hers. Some people just don't like to relinquish control of their computer.

Some people, I found it's best just to do it on my computer and let them watch this great new timesaver in action without making a big deal about it. You just make sure they are present when you announce to yourself "Oh darn! I forgot to change the colors. Hang on a second and I'll change them real quick..."

Good luck!


From: Liberty [#18]
 17 May 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#1] 17 May 2006

In V12 use the "Color Styles" docker. It is remarkably easy.

Click Windows:Dockers:Color Styles.

You'll have the color styles docker on the right side of the window.

Open the graphic.

The color Styles will show all colors currently in the graphic.

Then just drag and drop the new color you want from the color pallette onto the color you need to change in the Styles Docker. It will change every occurence of the color, both fill and outlines.

It is very fast. We have Smart Designs with the Color Swap macro and find using the Styles docker is much faster, especially if you want to change multiple colors.

And through the magic of "Undo' you can't hurt a thing...

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