Full Version: ID plates
From: Chewbarka [#3]
13 May 2006
To: Mike (SPACE_ENGRAVERS) [#1] 13 May 2006
Call customer service and tell them of your problem. I know they are good people and will listen to the customers concerns.
I deal with ID Plates almost every day. It might help if you tell them Frank Ricci (Ritchie) from Chewbarka's Tags told you to call. ;-)
From: logojohn [#4]
13 May 2006
To: Mike (SPACE_ENGRAVERS) [#1] 13 May 2006
They are 15 minutes from us and this company has bought most of our metal and some other things from them for decades. I am sure they will try and make it right for you. Doug has offered me a tour since they built their new place a few years ago but I have never made it over there. I live in Mesquite and pass within a few blocks every day.
My main complaint is that they are one of the shrinking number of suppliers that do not ship the same day even if the order is placed early in the day.
They have also raised their minimum order to $75.
I can get things by regular ups faster from Oklahoma City or Houston.
In an emergency we can twist their arm and get it pulled for same day pickup.
The only plaques we get there are some state shapes and I can't remember having a problem with them.
EDITED: 13 May 2006 by LOGOJOHN
From: Upacreek [#5]
13 May 2006
To: Mike (SPACE_ENGRAVERS) [#1] 15 May 2006
I've had great responses from ID Plates too. GREAT customer service and very willing to help explain the differences in some of their products.
My orders have arrived in great condition and in a timely fashion.
Try talking to them and explain there was a problem with the order.
Too bad they raised their minimum order price.
From: ChiefD (CHIEFDCCD) [#6]
13 Jan 2007
To: Chewbarka [#3] 14 Jan 2007
Thanks for your business too. Your the only one I order tags from.