Full Version: Making a laser template
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#1]
18 May 2006
The way to laser many at a time is to make a jig layout in Corel. Do the shape if the item and fill the outline. Then enlarge it about .010". That makes it far easier to place the piece in the jig. Do rows and columns.
Raster it on a piece of acrylic, 1/4" to 1/2" thick for stability, or on maple plywood for the same reason. Maple due to its ability to not warp, acrylic is better because it does not expand as much in high humidity. Make the raster about .1" deep for thick items or 1/2 the thickness of thinner items.
Then place the layout, after removing the fill, on a non printing layer. Use that as a template for the layout of the text/logo. Do the rows first, it will laser faster that way.
From: basehorawards [#2]
19 May 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#1] 19 May 2006
Another example of teaching two things at once without neccesarily meaning to.
Roy Brewer's videos often teach two - three or even four things at a time if you watch closely enough. I watch them first to learn about the topic and then again and again for all of the other hidden bits of knowledge.
Thanks for your help Harvey.
From: scroller (JEFF) [#3]
19 May 2006