Full Version: Need help identifying wood-like substrate.
From: Puck (PUCKERBRUSH) [#9]
29 May 2006
To: Mr. Mike (MIKEA) [#1] 29 May 2006
You should be able to get that from
GEPolymers (unless they quit carrying it since they closed some of their places) http://www.gepolymershapes.com
or maybe
Denco (I use Idaho but they are out of Denver)
or try a supplier on this list closer to you:
Also if you can't locate what it is called if you send me a small piece I'll take it to my three sign supply houses and see if they can tell me what it is (that is if I don't know what it is after I see it). It might be a really high density foam board from what your describing, use it a lot to make overhead hanging signs for a hospital. (I can email you a picture of it if you want to see what it looks like).
From: gravure (INFOGRAVE) [#10]
21 Jun 2006
To: Mr. Mike (MIKEA) [#1] Unread
From: ACJ (LADYCUTTER) [#11]
18 Apr 2007
To: Mr. Mike (MIKEA) [#1] Unread
Did you ever find an answer to your white board question from May of 06? It sounds perfect for a project I've been asked about.