Full Version: Indy Show - 2006
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#9]
6 Jun 2006
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#3] 6 Jun 2006
Mike, why should you be different than anybody else? ( insert gregarious laugh here) :D
From: sroehlk (ELECTECH1) [#10]
7 Jun 2006
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#1] 7 Jun 2006
I agree this years show was not as good as previous ones.
I wrote a little bit on the dyesub.org forum.
Mostly it was the same displays, same products as the previous 2 shows.
The only thing I saw a little different was the direct to fabric printers with white ink and a new poly mug or plastic mug. A case of mugs only weighs 12 lbs. You can save a bundle on shipping. They weigh a lot less than ceramic mugs. But they are selling for a little over $2 ea in case lots. They would be ok for promotional mugs but not at $2 each blank.
The fabric printer that would print on black shirts needed a prep spray, heat pressed, printed, heat pressed again. All this for $13,000.00.
I am glad I live in Indy and did not drive too far.
From: Mike (MIKEN) [#11]
7 Jun 2006
To: sroehlk (ELECTECH1) [#10] 8 Jun 2006