Full Version: 108 pc trophy order, 17 different sizes
From: joyce (JLADY) [#1]
5 Jun 2006
I got a request for a 108 pc trophy order due next thursday. Customer is out of town coming here (las vegas) for a convention.
Here is the thing. She wants the following:
1st place thru 20th place 11 different sizes (4 of each size).
Team trophies- 3 different sizes (4 of each size)
Blitz trophies- 3 different sizes (4 of each size)
Total of 17 different sizes (configurations...some single post/2 post/3 post/4 post).
This sounds confusing and complicated (not that it is impossible), should I try to talk her out of all these different sizes, or charge more than I normally would???
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2]
5 Jun 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#1] 5 Jun 2006
Why not give them what they want and charge accordingly.
If that price doesn't suit them, suggest making fewer changes in size.
After all; the awards are going to individuals, and once the recipients leave the presentation, there will be nothing to compare to, size-wise.
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#3]
5 Jun 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#1] 5 Jun 2006
Go for it.............. most of the different sizes can be made with just a 1" difference in rods (and columns) that you use.
Write everything down on paper and draw a quick diagram of each design and that will help a lot - less confusing. If you are like me, I procrastinate until it is almost too late. Once you get started, it will be fine.
Oh, btw, I will be stopping in to bug you the end of this month.......I told myself I would do it in Feb/March when I was there but as usual, time flew by while in Vegas. I think they need to change the motto
"what goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas" to
"what goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas and but you won't have enough time to do it all" (devil)
From: joyce (JLADY) [#4]
5 Jun 2006
From: joyce (JLADY) [#5]
5 Jun 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#3] 5 Jun 2006
I will look forward to your visit. (I will probably want to pick your brain on the xenetech rotary!!)
Edited by Harvey to make scrolling unnecessary. When in the reply screen, highlight the text and click on the " ", instead of using the 'CODE' command.
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#6]
5 Jun 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#5] 5 Jun 2006
You don't wanna get me started on the Xenetech, cuz I won't stop, I'll be talking away and suddenly realize the person I'm talking to eyes are glazed over........ be sure to remind me you want the "Overview-Lite" version. At least this way I won't feel like I'm barging in and holding you up from production.
and...... YES, charge the customer a different price for each size - like for a single column, .50 or $1.00 per inch in difference. 2 and 3 column need to be priced higher as well.
From: joyce (JLADY) [#7]
5 Jun 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#6] 5 Jun 2006