Full Version: 108 pc trophy order, 17 different sizes
From: joyce (JLADY) [#4]
5 Jun 2006
From: joyce (JLADY) [#5]
5 Jun 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#3] 5 Jun 2006
I will look forward to your visit. (I will probably want to pick your brain on the xenetech rotary!!)
Edited by Harvey to make scrolling unnecessary. When in the reply screen, highlight the text and click on the " ", instead of using the 'CODE' command.
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#6]
5 Jun 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#5] 5 Jun 2006
You don't wanna get me started on the Xenetech, cuz I won't stop, I'll be talking away and suddenly realize the person I'm talking to eyes are glazed over........ be sure to remind me you want the "Overview-Lite" version. At least this way I won't feel like I'm barging in and holding you up from production.
and...... YES, charge the customer a different price for each size - like for a single column, .50 or $1.00 per inch in difference. 2 and 3 column need to be priced higher as well.
From: joyce (JLADY) [#7]
5 Jun 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#6] 5 Jun 2006