Full Version: jpeg/bitmap

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#1]
 21 Jun 2006

Is there a way in Corel Draw to change the color in a jpeg or bitmap? I have a customer who wants one of the colors in their logo changed. I am unable to change just one color.

From: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#2]
 21 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#1] 22 Jun 2006

Most colors in a jpg file are not consistant. The best way is probably to have the file redrawn in a vector format. Then colors are simple to change in most cases.

There are many services that will do this inexpensively. We use
24HourArt.com, they charge $12 for most conversions. I am sure others can recommend their favorite service.

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#3]
 21 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#1] 22 Jun 2006

If you have the Suite, then editing a bitmap in Draw should take you into PhotoPaint, where you can select an area and change the colors in that area.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#4]
 22 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#1] 22 Jun 2006

If you have the suite, select the bitmap, then on the menu bar select 'Bitmaps/Edit Bitmap'. That will bring up Corel Paint and load that image.

If you need to replace all instances of that color, select '[Image] Adjust/Replace Color'. If it is only one area, and there is also that color elsewhere, first mask the area needed and then do the above. It will only adjust what is in the masked area.

When you click on the save icon it will save it into the Draw file.

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#5]
 22 Jun 2006

Thank you all for your answers. The job will not pay enough to warrant spending the $12 to have it changed to vector, however that is good info for future reference.

I have tried to select a single color within a bitmap, but have not had luck doing so. Obviously I am not doing something correctly.

I'll continue to play with it...

Thanks again for your help!

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#6]
 22 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#5] 22 Jun 2006

If the file isn't too terribly large (under 50K would be ideal) attach it to a message. Maybe someone will have a moment to look at it and help you.

If it's real large, go to my website (click on the link in my signature) and upload it there. I can't promise you anything......

From: logojohn [#7]
 22 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#5] 22 Jun 2006

Have you used masks in photo paint.

You basically can trace around the area you want to change with your mouse.

Then you can select a paint color and change just the masked area. Nothing outside the masked areas will be changed. You can also use the brightness/contrast or tone curve or other things on just the masked area.

If the surrounding areas are a very different color the magic wand tool will select and mask the area with one click.


EDITED: 22 Jun 2006 by LOGOJOHN

From: Franklin (FW_HAYNES) [#8]
 22 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#1] 22 Jun 2006

Like previously suggested, attach it to a post and let us look at it, just let us know in the post wich colors need changing.

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#9]
 22 Jun 2006

Thank you all for your generous offers and help. Here is the file. She'd like to have the yellow/caramel color changed to a brown.

EDITED: 4 Apr 2007 by LINDAG

From: sprinter [#10]
 22 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#9] 22 Jun 2006

If the customer wants the color changed, she should pay for it. Charge the customer $25 and pay Pete $12 to vectorize it. It will also look cleaner once it is vectorized.

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#11]
 22 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#9] 23 Jun 2006

Will this work?

EDITED: 23 Jun 2006 by CSEWELL

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#12]
 23 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#9] 23 Jun 2006

It should be easy to select that color with the magic wand, and then the color controls will only affect that color.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#13]
 23 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#9] 23 Jun 2006

Here it is as a JPG and as a vectored DXF.

When you download them, reply to this post so I can delete them, they are way too big to leave here, but it was necessary to get you good images.

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#14]
 23 Jun 2006
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#11] 23 Jun 2006

Thank you Carl. I should have said this before, but I think she is looking for a coffee color brown, without the cream. You have certainly given this a "latte" look! I'll see if she likes it. Thanks again!

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#15]
 23 Jun 2006
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#12] 23 Jun 2006

Dave, I should really learn how to do this I guess! Thank you!

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#16]
 23 Jun 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#13] 23 Jun 2006

Thank you Harvey! I'll run your new color and Carl's new color by her and see what she thinks.

You guys are great! Thanks so much to all of you!

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#17]
 23 Jun 2006
To: Linda (LINDAG) [#14] 23 Jun 2006

You're welcome. Good luck with your customer.

You said brown, so that's what you got! In CorelDraw (version 12), you can darken the brown by selecting the object and, while holding down CTRL, left clicking on BLACK (or whatever color you want to add to it) on the color pallette. This will darken (add black) to the object in increments for each click.

I did a quick conversion from JPG to CDR (vector). There are a few items that I left for you to clean up if you decide to use it. Zoom in and you'll see where the areas are that need some minor touch-up.

Have a great weekend.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18]
 23 Jun 2006
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#17] 23 Jun 2006

What a great tip. I have been using Corel for about 20 years and missed that trick. Thanks.

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#19]
 23 Jun 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18] 23 Jun 2006

I'm not much into tweaking colors. In fact, I'm perfectly happy with the primaries. However, when someone asks if I can make it a little more red, or whatever, I ask them "How many clicks?". It never ends.............

From: Linda (LINDAG) [#20]
 23 Jun 2006
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#11] 23 Jun 2006


I must have been too tired last night to realize you had vectored this for me. I am able to change the colors to anything I want now! Thanks so much!

Did you use Corel Draw to change it?

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