Full Version: looking for welcome sign
From: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#1]
22 Jun 2006
Got a call from a local country club.. they are looking for a sign.. that you would see at a wedding or meeting place that has the clubs logo and like welcome to ..... etc..
and then below would be an insert area for the text
Mary & Bill's
or something like that.. or what ever they may need to say... but the kicker is.. they want the item to poss. be a gift for the couple or party to take home with them... and of course they dont want to spend a bundle per sign... my first thougth was an easel stand.. with like 20x30 board vinyl lettered with the clubs logo and a welcome to... then the bottom might be a reasonable picture frame.that could have a laser or inkjet printout.. on a nice parchement paper... that using velcro could be given to the honored guest.... but.. then I am not getting any more work out of it... what other suggestions do any of you have or done..
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#2]
22 Jun 2006
To: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#1] 22 Jun 2006
So they want a wedding gift that looks classy but is cheap. Heard that before. But with all the money they make on the wedding they might surprise you with what THEY consider cheap.
Maybe come up with something really nice at $150-$200, and something simpler at $100. See what they say, that will give you the proper range to try to figure out an item for them.
From: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#3]
22 Jun 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#2] 22 Jun 2006
two questions.. first.. why are you listed as Harvey-only.. just asking.. lol
and .. I am looking for ideas as to what to do.. again.. I would think it has to be large enough to be seen as a sign and yet distintive as a gift.. .. first thought of lasered plaque.. but it would have to be pretty large or.. other thought was to make a smaller item a duplicate of a larger paper sign.. even thought if the sign looked nice to have them have a photo taken with the sign.. except I make no money that way.. lol...
From: sprinter [#4]
22 Jun 2006
To: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#3] 22 Jun 2006
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5]
22 Jun 2006
To: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#3] 22 Jun 2006
The explanation is somewhere here on the forum, but you asked for it again so here it is.
When the forum was started on Delphi, it was Harvey & Deena. It was too much of a conflict with posts being marked as 'read' when only one of us read it. Now it is Harvey-Only and Deena-Only. Solved that problem and let all know just who we still were.
With real names on the forum when we go private, that will also disappear. It is just evolution in a nutshell.
From: UncleSteve [#6]
22 Jun 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5] 22 Jun 2006
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#7]
22 Jun 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5] 22 Jun 2006
Oh. so it is Mr. and Mrs. Only. :S
What's funny Harvey is that I never new the story behind you handle. Now I know the rest of the story. Good day!
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#8]
22 Jun 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#7] 23 Jun 2006
From: UncleSteve [#9]
22 Jun 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#8] 22 Jun 2006
(Does that emoticon really go with the statement?)