Full Version: Need to know how to Use

From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#6]
 11 Jul 2006
To: Kathe (KATHEW2) [#1] 12 Jul 2006

I don't anything about a pantograph or your question.

By I did want to express my condolences for your loss. I am so sorry for you and if there is anything I can do to help you through this time, I would be happy to help.


From: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#7]
 11 Jul 2006

I can only add my condolences for your loss. It's hard enough running a business but to have to do it when you have lost someone is truly difficult. I wish I can say more but please know that someone you don't know has said a prayer for you and your family.

From: John (ICTJOHN) [#8]
 12 Jul 2006
To: Kathe (KATHEW2) [#1] 12 Jul 2006


I am really sorry to hear about your husband, I don't know anything about pantograph engraving but I can rotary & laser engrave anything if you need, I am only 3 hours away. My oldest daughter lives in Owasso, I will be going down soon, so let me know if there is anything I can do.

From: Kathe (KATHEW2) [#9]
 12 Jul 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2] 12 Jul 2006

That is what I did and I managed to complete the pen set and the two watch claps. What a learning experience. I have an appointment with a man who has wanted to buy this company for a while. I hope the meeting goes well. I can't keep up the two full time jobs much longer. I will really miss the engraving as it challenged my creative side.

Thank you so much for your help.

D&D Engraving
Tulsa, OK

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10]
 12 Jul 2006
To: Kathe (KATHEW2) [#9] 13 Jul 2006


I'm happy to hear you got through your immediate jobs. Very impressive!

As simple as pantographs are to operate, as you probably noticed, there's knack, to developing a "feel" for even pressure, across the entire piece.

It's also very common for newbies to slip out of the brass templates. >.< 

Hope the meeting with the prospective buyer goes well.

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