Full Version: A question for ladies

From: Shaddy [#14]
 13 Jul 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#12] 13 Jul 2006

You can google "Plastic Razor Blade" and get some good returns.


From: Upacreek [#15]
 13 Jul 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#1] 13 Jul 2006

Fake nails have blunt edges while real nails have sharper edges and varying thickness. Just guessing, but you might want to try taking a nail file and file the edges from "underneath" just slightly to create a sharper edge. (You don't want to muss up the purty nail polish on top, right? ;-) )

With the sharper edge you can then use your new nails as tools, aka scrapers, to be able to peel the film off. The sharper edge should be just enough to wedge under the film.


From: UncleSteve [#16]
 13 Jul 2006
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#2] 14 Jul 2006

Oh, I'm making them..... just not POSTING them...... (devil) 

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#17]
 13 Jul 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#12] 13 Jul 2006


My shop is a couple doors down from a nail shop. I'll have them done and experiment for you. I'll get back to you. Do you think candy apple red would be a good color on me? >.< 

EDITED: 13 Jul 2006 by DATAKES

From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#18]
 14 Jul 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#17] 14 Jul 2006

I think that might be a bit too drastic. Why don't you try fuchsia? Make sure you get square tips not round. As Kathy noted it will take a day or two to get used to them.

I will be anxiously awaiting your test results. You could be the guy responsbile for changing the way women in the engraving work force appear. A hero you would be! On top of that maybe Peter would get a good back scratching! You would then be a double hero!


From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#19]
 14 Jul 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#18] 14 Jul 2006


I liked the ideas of the square tips, but just couldn't decide on color, so I went crazy. Do you like?

EDITED: 14 Jul 2006 by DATAKES

From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#20]
 14 Jul 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#19] 14 Jul 2006

All I see is a red x in a box. I think your link is bad. My fingers are crossed that you will get it fixed.


From: Shaddy [#21]
 14 Jul 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#20] 14 Jul 2006

He probably just mistyped, I bet it's hard to type with long nails for the first time :O 


From: UncleSteve [#22]
 14 Jul 2006
To: Shaddy [#21] 14 Jul 2006

Has anyone considered how this thread is going to affect Chuck? ;-) 

From: Button (LASERCHICK) [#23]
 15 Jul 2006

O.k., I have been out of town for a few days and just got back and read this. I have been a nail technician for years. I quit to do laser work. You can learn to do anything with nails, you just have to figure out new ways for some things. I will give you a few tips.

To peel off a thin layer of anything, I find it best to get a thin tool with a sharp edge and keep it around. If you use your nail and scrape it over something too many times, you will find that the acrylic will start to wear down, making your artificial nail a little misshapen.

To open a can of pop, bend your index finger and use the side of your finger.

To undo your seatbelt, bend your index finger and and push the joint into the seat belt.

Don't open car doors with your finger tips---there will come a time that your fingers slip and it really does a number on you. I have seen a real nail taken off half way down into the nail bed. Not only is that bloody and ugly, it is painful!

Don't use your nails as tools. They are super strong, but sometimes if you hit them in just a right way, they will break, and you know how expensive they are! I even use mine as screw drivers, but then I do them myself.

From: John (ICTJOHN) [#24]
 15 Jul 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#20] 15 Jul 2006


I have had 3 ladies work for me with the acrylic nails, I just give them a "screen printers" squeegee (clean) and they rub it across a corner and it peels a little bit of the plastic up so you can grab it with your fingers. This process will not scratch or harm any surface, in fact, it does not even harm the squeegee.




From: Kat (KATHY) [#25]
 16 Jul 2006
To: Upacreek [#15] 16 Jul 2006

Fake nails have blunt edges while real nails have sharper edges and varying thickness. Just guessing, but you might want to try taking a nail file and file the edges from "underneath" just slightly to create a sharper edge. (You don't want to muss up the purty nail polish on top, right? ;-) )
With the sharper edge you can then use your new nails as tools, aka scrapers, to be able to peel the film off. The sharper edge should be just enough to wedge under the film.

hey this might be way I can have long nails and still give a good back scratch.


Edited by Harvey to do quote and auto-line breaks.

EDITED: 17 Jul 2006 by HARVEY-ONLY

From: Peter [#26]
 16 Jul 2006
To: Kat (KATHY) [#25] 17 Jul 2006

hey this might be way I can have long nails and still give a good back scratch.


Puuurrrrrrrrrrr...growwwllll! :-)  :P  B-) 

From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#27]
 16 Jul 2006
To: Peter [#26] 17 Jul 2006

Awwright...get a room, you two.


From: UncleSteve [#28]
 17 Jul 2006
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#27] 17 Jul 2006

They tried that and it didn't work.... They had to get a room and a BUSINESS, TOO!!!! (devil) 

From: Peter [#29]
 17 Jul 2006
To: UncleSteve [#28] 17 Jul 2006

They tried that and it didn't work.... They had to get a room and a BUSINESS, TOO!!!! (devil) 

too many kids...too little time...too much fun......

Man I love this business !

Peter :-) 

From: UncleSteve [#30]
 17 Jul 2006
To: Peter [#29] 17 Jul 2006


Having had the pleasure of meeting you and Kathy, I truly believe you are one of the few couples I know that can live and work together 24/7 and never have too much of each other! B-) 

From: Peter [#31]
 17 Jul 2006
To: UncleSteve [#30] 17 Jul 2006

Hi Steve,

Thank you so much for that...

I exist simply to be there for her, she is the light that brightens my day, She is the strength that makes my way...

Kathy is what I am here for, she is my Joy.

I have found my soulmate and my partner in life, business, family and day to day fun.

I cherise every moment that we spend together.

I am so lucky that our business allows us to have our whole day together.....I cant wait to wake in the morning, simply to see her beautiful face and see her smile...It makes my every moment.

Kathy is my best friend and my wife...the thought of life without her...is a thought of no life....

I love her, with every inch of my being .

From: Kat (KATHY) [#32]
 17 Jul 2006
To: Peter [#31] 17 Jul 2006

Ditto for me to darling


PS I am getting acrylic nails this week.

From: Barbara (RGILE) [#33]
 19 Jul 2006
To: bruce (BBSD) [#4] 19 Jul 2006

Hi Dee,
My former career was hairstylist and nail technician.
Do not, I repeat, Do Not!!!! take any kind of flame near them. They will catch on fire. You could light a candle with them. I have had many customers acidentally do that.

As far as getting things as small as money lying flat on a table, or corners of paper on acrylic, forget it! you will have to use something besides your nails to do it.
Maybe a razor blade to start it or something like that.
I also like the masking tape idea.
You can do almost everything as before you had them put on, it just takes some imagination to get it done.
Be prepared to have Harvey complaining about not scratching his back hard enough, they are a little thicker than natural nails and are not as blunt. But hey, He is lucky if you even scatch it for him. Right???

Enjoy your new nails, but be patient in using them different.
Zipping you some tight pants is a real challange at first. ha
Just start using your finger pads for everything.

Good luck,

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