Full Version: Chuck, where are you

From: Shaddy [#89]
 19 Jul 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#88] 19 Jul 2006

Lasering one out of wood most likely won't support keys, but with sublimation stuff, you should be able to get some sealed foam floats and put their logo on them. Just don't know what the profit margin would be.

This is a great thread. Sorry it started on a sad note, but there are a lot of good ideas here.


From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#90]
 19 Jul 2006
To: Shaddy [#89] 19 Jul 2006

This is a great thread. Sorry it started on a sad note, but there are a lot of good ideas here.

Shaddy, It IS a great thread....and while it started out sad, it is uplifting on MANY levels....it is encouraging, thought provoking and humbling all at the same time...one never knows for sure how many friends one has....and I am humbled by the outpouring of support and it has given me hope.

I thank YOU for your part in helping bouy me up. I appreciate it very much.

From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#91]
 19 Jul 2006

Can I just say to all how much I have enjoyed this thread? Certainly not the part where Chuck is miserable and doesn't want to cold call.

But the brainstorming of FANTASTIC ideas that so many of us will be able to benefit from. I too hate the thought of cold calling and have
gotten so many fantastic ideas.

I am a stay at home mom and feel that sometimes when I am in the presence of other adults, I become one of those "talkers" that people are just dying to get away from just because I am so happy to have other adults to talk to.....(see, I just start and can't stop LOL)

So, shut up and listen...good advice. I know Chuck is appreciative of all the advice being given. And I am too. This is thread is priceless and timeless as we ALL have gone through slumps and ALL need encouragement and ALL need these great ideas.

Thanks everyone and thanks Chuck for sharing your slump with all of us. (I mean that sincerely)

From: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#92]
 20 Jul 2006
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#91] 20 Jul 2006

Yes, it has been some great information sharing....now if I could just figure out how to make some of it work for me!


From: UncleSteve [#93]
 20 Jul 2006
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#92] 20 Jul 2006

Uh, Doug,

Stop figuring and just GO OUT AND DO IT! :D 

 20 Jul 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#38] 21 Jul 2006

How does one convince someone they need ones product or service?

If you believe in your product and what you are doing, it will ooze from your poors.

The reality is that you need to be excited about what you can offer someone, people sense that and find themselves excited about it as well once they see it.

If the reality is that you don't find your offerings appealing, It's doubtful that your potential clients will either.

Tell them why you like it and how it can help them......Your trying to fill a need there somewhere............

Hang in there.....your in a very popular destination for travelers looking for a way to bring a part of their experience home with them.......At a minimum the tourist option has to be a potential niche.

Look into industries that need marking on metals and other surfaces.....Industrial business may be a great niche for you, particularly if you are one of only a few local entities offering the service.

Hope this helps,

From: UncleSteve [#95]
 21 Jul 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#94] 21 Jul 2006

Betcha can't engrave on a Kona bean! ;-) 

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#96]
 21 Jul 2006
To: UncleSteve [#95] 21 Jul 2006

Betcha can't engrave on a Kona bean! ;-) 

Is that a CHALLENGE? B-) 

From: basehorawards [#97]
 21 Jul 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#38] 21 Jul 2006

I started my business about the same time as you started yours - April of 2004. I agree that it is tough getting the business to stay above water.

I was thinking about you today as I was driving to make a delivery. here is sort of how it went.

What do you want from a salesman that is trying to sell you something? How do you like to be spoken to? Do you like to see samples? When you go shopping do you like it when the salesman comes up to you or do you prefer he (she) wait for you to ask for help? What can a clerk, salesman, waiter etc. do that is guaranteed to upset or annoy you?

Take all of those things together and become the things you like and do not do the things that annoy you. Be the salesman you wish you could find when you want to buy something.

When I go on a cold call - or even when the customer has called me and I am going to meet for the first time - I too get cold feet. I have a routine that I go through on the way to the appt. where I remind myself that I am just going to talk to the client exactly how I would want to be talked to if I was the client. In other words: Talk to yourself during the visit. It works for me every time.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#98]
 21 Jul 2006
To: basehorawards [#97] 21 Jul 2006

When I go on a cold call - or even when the customer has called me and I am going to meet for the first time - I too get cold feet. I have a routine that I go through on the way to the appt. where I remind myself that I am just going to talk to the client exactly how I would want to be talked to if I was the client. In other words: Talk to yourself during the visit. It works for me every time.


First let me thank you for thinking of me during your day. I appreciate your interest and support.
I like your questions....my challenge is GETTING the customer. When a customer calls ME, it's easy. I become Johnny on the spot, go meet them promptly, take samples, catalogs, etc. and bend over backwards to meet their needs.
However, GETTING them to contact me is the tough part. I am hoping that the next part of my CoreFour classes ( market development) will give me the boost I need.
Pricing is my other challenge.....I KNOW I should be calling my competition, but I don't know what questions to ask.....about which products, etc. And what I HOPE will be to my advantage, I have the ONLY awards showroom on the island. Everyone else is working from their home. The location is not the best, but it is what was available.

Again James, thank you for your interest. I hope one day I will be able to return the favor.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#99]
 21 Jul 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#1] 21 Jul 2006

Uncle Steve brought up the questio n in another thread that
Has anyone considered how this thread is going to affect Chuck? ;-) 

You used that post to start this one. To which thread are you referring? I would like to read it. Maybe.


From: basehorawards [#100]
 21 Jul 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#98] 21 Jul 2006

KNOW I should be calling my competition, but I don't know what questions to ask.....about which products, etc. And what I HOPE will be to my advantage, I have the ONLY awards showroom on the island. Everyone else is working from their home. The location is not the best, but it is what was available.

You might get some different opinions on checking prices of your competitors. My closest competitor is also home based. I have never talked to them and would not know them if I saw them on the street. They bought an established "legendary" home based trophy store. Unfortunately for them (good for me) they did not buy the customer service the previous owner had. I do not know what they charge but I do know what I have to charge to make money to feed my kids so that is where I set my prices.

I am a bit curious about what they offer other than trophies as they have added "and more" to their name but not enough to send in a secret shopper. I just do the best I can in sales and production. Set a reasonable price and hopefully retire in twenty years. I do have the good fortune that my wife's employer covers our health insurance.

BTW is your store where the tourist will see it? If so fill your window with engraved locally obtained items such as coconuts, rocks, drift wood, etc. See what walks in.

From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#101]
 21 Jul 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#99] 21 Jul 2006

Chuck, Absolutely no idea. But than again, I forget what I did this morning, let alone what I read a week ago. It's a pain to get old brudda! Really hope that this thead has helped you although I didn't start it that way, just wondering where you have been. BTW, did you get into sublimation? Dave

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#102]
 21 Jul 2006
To: basehorawards [#100] 21 Jul 2006

BTW is your store where the tourist will see it?

No it is not. Rents in places where tourist would shop, run a minimum of $2000.00 per month plus fees. ( Paradise is expensive)
It actually is not able to be seen at all, however it was the ONLY space available that HAD a showroom. Unfortunately one must walk through my upholstery shop to get to the awards showroom.
It was necessary to take this space because I needed to be "in" the complex in order to be able to get first dibs on "any" space in the front building which has great visibility.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#103]
 21 Jul 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#101] 21 Jul 2006

Really hope that this thead has helped you although I didn't start it that way, just wondering where you have been. BTW, did you get into sublimation? Dave

This thread has bouyed my spirits and got me to thinking. There is hope :D 
Yes, I did get into sublimation. What I have done with it so far has been mouse pads and a couple of murals.....so far so good.
Thanks for starting this thread.

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#104]
 21 Jul 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#99] 21 Jul 2006

To which thread are you referring? I would like to read it. Maybe.

It was from this thread:


About ladies with long fingernails. :O 

EDITED: 21 Jul 2006 by DAVERJ

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#105]
 21 Jul 2006
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#104] 21 Jul 2006

Thanks....how did I miss THAT one? Oh right, I have not been here :-( 

From: Doc (GREAT_ATLANTIC) [#106]
 22 Jul 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#38] 23 Jul 2006

So how does one approach these potential customers? Cold calls? ( COLD FEET). It goes back to my try at radio advertising. I would sit in my car frozen with fear at the prospect of going into a potential clients place of businesses.
How does one convince someone they need ones product or service?

Chuck....we haven't yet met, so I'm afraid I can't discount my 2 cents. Here's my take anyway.

Having been the president of a fairly large corporation before founding Great Atlantic Trophy Company, one of the things that is clear to me is that not everyone can sell. Some have a God-given talent, some have been able to overcome their fears or personalities, and some have a trained approach. But the vast majority simply can't.

That's not a bad thing, even as a business owner. Sure, it adds to your angst as you try to build a new business and suffer the frustration of slow initial sales. But executives - and small business owners - have unique talents that may have nothing to do with sales. Creativity...Efficiency...Management Skills...Technical Excellence. All these things can add up individually or collectively to ensure success on your end of the equation.

The critical sales side? Hire people. Yeah, I know that sounds impossible now with zero cash flow and a bleak outlook in your first experience with a storefront, but it is possible. Literally thousands of companies, small and large, employ salespeople on a fully commission-only basis. I have to guess that there is a large pool of available University of Hawaii kids that would love to make a few extra bucks and have something they can dutifully embellish on their resumes after graduation.

And while it may seem that your margins simply can't be stretched to accomodate an additional 10, 15 or 20% in commissions, consider the alternative. Now, I'm not suggesting that you ever take a true loss with this strategy, just set your own pricing with sales commission in mind. Too much competition? Nonsense. A terrific, young salesperson will break through the price barrier with advantages that you seed with them: quality - efficiency - unique product offerings - whatever.

This will be found money, a percentage of which you will retain in return business for years to come. While this growth is taking place, you can hone your own skills if you choose, build your own self-confidence and sell in your own time at your own pace.

Just keep in mind that the single most effective form of sales is relationship selling. This will certainly come naturally (based on what I've read about you in Vegas) as your business grows. Just don't give up...it's way too easy.


From: gt350ed [#107]
 22 Jul 2006
To: Doc (GREAT_ATLANTIC) [#106] 22 Jul 2006

I just read your post and find that I could not agree more. This is great advice for Chuck and all of us, and a great "add" to the many previous posts, also of great value.

And, for everyone else, please keep them coming. Chuck is not the only one being helped here, although he IS the only one wearing a grass skirt. B-) 

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#108]
 23 Jul 2006
To: Doc (GREAT_ATLANTIC) [#106] 23 Jul 2006

(based on what I've read about you in Vegas)

What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. B-) With the possible exception of Peter.

Thank you for the thoughtful post Jim. I appreciate your two cents. I have read, been told and mentored that one must find folks with skills ( selling) that one does not possess.

I am not adverse to hiring a salesperson, and perhaps after next weeks marketing part of the core four class I am taking I will have a better idea of how to define my market ( the possiblities are endless) and then be able to develop a plan to go after it.

My wife Lisa and I were discussing last night the one of the challenges seems to be how VAST this industry is, and finding a focus. THAT in itself could be the root of the entire problem.

As I have mentioned before, at THIS point failure is not an option. I can no longer throw in the towel, because not only would I be letting myself down, I would be letting you, and everyone here that has come forth in support, help and encouragement down, and I simply cannot do THAT!.

Thank you again Jim for your help.

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