Full Version: CopyXY
From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#1]
19 Jul 2006
This macro is a feature that is long overdue for CorelDraw and I believe it is now in X3. I don't have X3 and from the poll that was done awhile back it doesn't look like the majority will be moving to X3 in the near future. Yes, and it is true with all macros, this can be done in various ways within CorelDraw. And there are also various other macros available to accomplish the same thing, Oberon's Tiler, for one.
The attached macro will copy the currently selected items in the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) directions for the offset distances and number of rows and columns that are entered by the user on the macro form.
EDITED: 9 Aug 2006 by CSEWELL
From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#2]
9 Aug 2006
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#1] 9 Aug 2006
I uploaded a new version of CopyXY into the previous post. Just a minor change. If you have problems with the Object Manager not responding after running the macro (in version 11 of CorelDraw only?), try the newer version. Of course, it shouldn't hurt to load the newer version even if you aren't having problems.
The only change was to add an "Application.Refresh" to ensure that things get cleaned up before the macro exits. For anyone developing macros, you might want to include an "Application.Refresh" (or just Refresh) at the end of your macro or after any significant changes to the drawing space.