Full Version: Marco (Discount Trophies)
From: Toni (TONI56) [#2]
21 Jul 2006
To: Jer (DIAMOND) [#1] 21 Jul 2006
I haven't had very good luck with them. They are not one of my main suppliers because of problems. It's probably been a year since my last order, too many other good suppliers to use. I would rather eat a crunchy bug than order from them. Plain & simple, my opinion, nuf said.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#3]
21 Jul 2006
To: Jer (DIAMOND) [#1] 21 Jul 2006
According to this thread, you're not alone:
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#4]
21 Jul 2006
To: Jer (DIAMOND) [#1] 21 Jul 2006
I had an acrylic piece that was shipped along with some perpetual plates. The perpetual plates were in a plastic bag, the acrylic was in nothing, and these were all floating around in shipping peanuts. By the time I received the package, the acrylic had been chipped away beyond repair by the corners of the perpetual plates.
I contacted Marco and explained the situation and they said they would get a call tag to me.
Ten days went by and I followed up with a second call. The person I spoke with said that they had no record of my request. She said she would take the information and see what she could do and get back with me.
Another week went by without a call, so I called them a third time. The person said she was going to speak with a supervisor to see if a call tag would be necessary, or if they could just issue a credit.
A few more days went by with no call. I made a fourth call to see what the response was to her request. It seemed that each time I called that we hadn't even spoken before. This time she said that she would walk it in, ask herself, and call me back the same day. Didn't get the call.
A couple days went by and I called a fifth time to check on the status. Needless to say, at this time I was about to lose my mind. I explained to the person on the phone that this was the fifth phone call I have had to make to follow up on this silly credit. She said that she was just going to make the decision, put herself on the line, and just issue me the credit.
I did finally receive that credit.
A day or so later I had a personal visit from our territory rep out of Chicago. He had heard that I was a bit upset. I tried to explain that I was not alone, and that he should visit this forum to get a feel for what he may not be hearing about. He seemed to dismiss that recommendation, but may have come by to check.
He explained how big Marco was getting, and that they were just having some growing pains. I personally think the problem is much, much greater than that. Time will tell, but I'll be waiting on the sidelines until I see improvements in many areas.
EDITED: 21 Jul 2006 by DATAKES
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#5]
21 Jul 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#4] 21 Jul 2006
With the trend toward companies having several locations, ala JDS and Johnson Plastics, it sounds as if Marco is trying to get on that bandwagon, but hasn't been successful in developing the efficiency, fulfillment and customer services aspects, which has me thinking, if that's the case, by stretching their resources, they're also stretching their credibility and in doing so, more harm than good to the reputation of the company.
One good location, is better than several poorly-performing locations.
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#6]
21 Jul 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#5] 21 Jul 2006
It was made clear that they were the "largest" A & E industry supplier and that being large meant being most popular. I may be putting words in his mouth, but that's how I took it.
I could be the largest A&E industry supplier if I could fool enough investors to share their wealth.
The bigger they are the harder they fall. I would prefer that they don't.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#7]
21 Jul 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#6] 21 Jul 2006
This forum represents only a sliver of the industry as a whole.
That said, I'd say we're representative of the industry's sentiment, where Marco/DTC is concerned.
Who knows? Maybe, one day, we'll see a glowing review of the company.
I'm waiting.
From: Lisa (TROPHYUSA) [#8]
22 Jul 2006
When John worked at the Virginia plant at least I felt like I had someone to talk to who cared about the customer. Since his retirement there is no one to take his place. And now that Marco has tried to centralize ordering out of CT it's even worse. They have NO handle on what the plants are doing. As far as I'm concerned, they may be the biggest, but they are also the WORST.
On the other hand, JDS is awesome. Their customer service is top notch, and they generally compensate for freight issues when you are inconvenienced by multiple shipments. Not to mention that product ships when it's supposed to -- as opposed to Marco.
I have to order some product from Marco this week and I'm dreading it.
From: Doc (GREAT_ATLANTIC) [#9]
22 Jul 2006
This company has good value for its products, and exceptional quality on most items. We rely on them almost every day.
From: geebeau [#10]
22 Jul 2006
Marco has a lot of things that we use as well. We did more business with them when they also carried the PDU line. However, they have come out with a lot of new items which are good. The main problem, tho, is that they usually have to ship from multi-locations, and if I do want to pick up in NJ, not TOO far away, some items aren't there and have to ship from CT or elsewhere.
I guess, tho, that ya can't have everything, yet some other companies seem to.
From: Jer (DIAMOND) [#11]
14 Aug 2006
From: geebeau [#12]
14 Aug 2006
To: Jer (DIAMOND) [#11] 14 Aug 2006
I spoke with Mike Cornicello of the NJ Sales Office and he told me that their policy IS to equalize freight if it has to be sent from another location. I was told to ask if it's not offered.
I had also heard thaty they are moving the NJ warehouse to a different location, alas, firther away from me.. ht elocation is not as yet determined.
I LIKE Marco's products, and I did enjoyt the ability to pick up, especially marble.
We'll see how far they move..
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#13]
14 Aug 2006
To: geebeau [#12] 14 Aug 2006
This should be automated in their order-taking software or instinctive among their customer service staff. If it is company policy, they are sure keeping it a secret. I've never been offered this option.
From: logojohn [#14]
15 Aug 2006
To: Jer (DIAMOND) [#11] 15 Aug 2006
We buy most of our PDU and other things from Liberty and have had few problems when he was there for about the last ten years if I remember right.
He seems to be genuinely interested in provided good customer service.
I didn't realize DTC/Marco even had a localtion here in Dallas. I asked him several times about being out of things. He said they were willing to upstock anything you use on a regular basis and had a good stock of the more common items. Not sure if they are limited by the HQ as to how much they can stock.
They have some metal cups, resins and optical crystal pieces that are hard to find or aren't stocked in the middle part of the country so I will give them a try on at least those things to start.
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#15]
15 Aug 2006
To: Jer (DIAMOND) [#11] 15 Aug 2006
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#16]
15 Aug 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#15] 15 Aug 2006
From: Lisa (TROPHYUSA) [#17]
15 Aug 2006
Maybe we could get someone like Marty on the East Coast and I would feel better, but I HATE buying from Marco because of all the reasons already listed. I do it only when I have to. On the other hand, JDS automatically takes care of equalizing freight, and they are awesome to deal with if there is a problem.
Just a few weeks ago I called Marco and requested a freight credit because they shipped one trophy piece from San Antonio and two pieces from another Texas location, while most of my order shipped from Virginia and New Jersey. I thought that was crazy. Let me tell you that I had to really argue with them to get any freight credit, so I don't believe this is a policy of theirs as claimed.
I used to buy a lot from Marco, but will only use them now if I have to.
From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#18]
15 Aug 2006
To: Lisa (TROPHYUSA) [#17] 15 Aug 2006
We train them right in Texas! B-)
From: geebeau [#19]
16 Aug 2006
Just received notice that Marco is moving their NJ warehouse from Bergen County to the Raritan Center, same place where JDS has their NJ warehouse.
Good for them, but an additional 45 minute drive for me.
From: UncleSteve [#20]
16 Aug 2006
To: geebeau [#19] 17 Aug 2006
"Whaddayamean ya ain't got it? Now I have to walk down the block to the "other guys" to get it!" ;-)
From: geebeau [#21]
17 Aug 2006
To: UncleSteve [#20] 17 Aug 2006
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