Full Version: Save As Previous CDR version

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#1]
 26 Jul 2006


Two more macros: SaveAsV9 and SaveAsV12. Self-explanatory but the macro saves the current file as a version 9 or version 12 and appends a -v9 or -v12 to the base filename for easier recognition. I have several customers that use earlier versions of CorelDraw and, while it's easy to go through the manual process of a "Save As", the macro appends the version on the filename so it's easy to recognize. I do this many times per day so it is beneficial to me. It may not be as beneficial to you. However, if you are using CorelDraw X3 and a lower version, you might find the macros useful.

The code is available for viewing and modification.

Be careful, when you perform a SaveAs the document name becomes the SaveAs name and that's the file you will be editing after the save. If the file has not been saved once, you will be prompted to name the file, which will be saved as the default version and then saved again as the requested version.

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