Full Version: Golf tournament mugs..how do they work?

From: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#22]
 9 Aug 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#21] 10 Aug 2006

Hmmm...Now you've got my wheels a spinnin'. I never really wanted to get into that kind of stuff (pressing "on the road") But maybe I should rethink it. If it's something that generates traffic, it may be worth it.

As far as the mugs go, my FIL has rethought the plan. Now, he is having a cocktail party at his house and would like to give mugs to each of the couples that are there. (rather than at the tournament)
This idea is much more manageable sounding to this first timer. LOL

Will let you know how it goes!!


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#23]
 10 Aug 2006
To: Becky (KIAIJANE) [#22] 10 Aug 2006


Sounds good. The pressure is off, for the golf tournament, but you'll still have a chance to test the live event market.

Looking forward to your update, after the event.

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