Full Version: Johnson Plastics goes VOIP

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1]
 30 Jul 2006

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) will become Johnson Plastics (JP) company-wide phone system.

According to JP, "The phone system will unite the entire company into one organizational unit and reduce your time spent on hold."

Calls to all branches will continue to be routed to Customer Service Reps (CSRs) at their respective branches.

When those CSRs are unavailable, your call will automatically be rerouted to an available CSR at another branch.

The new system will begin in Minneapolis, with remaining branches being added during August, September and October.

Realizing that the implementation of any new system can bring unanticpated problems, JP asks for your patience, during the transition to the VOIP system.

EDITED: 30 Jul 2006 by DGL

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