Full Version: New Book by Stephen Spence/2005 Conviction
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#67]
1 Sep 2006
To: UncleSteve [#66] 1 Sep 2006
There is no way you can compare teenage sex with Stephen Spence's crimes. I know a young man who when he was 18 had sex with a 15 year old he met in a bar. She admitted in depositions and in court that she had lied about her age. Her parents persisted in having hin charged. He was put on probation and not listed on the list per the judge's order.
It is not David's job to screen the personal lives of the people who post here. That said I want to know about situations like this so I know where NOT to spend my money.
From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#68]
1 Sep 2006
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#64] 1 Sep 2006
I know I've disagreed with you in the past but on this issue I agree with you 100%
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#69]
1 Sep 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#68] 1 Sep 2006
As a person whose wayward son will be released from a CA state prison next April, I found Doug's post encouraging.
Thank you Doug.
EDITED: 1 Sep 2006 by DGL
From: gt350ed [#70]
1 Sep 2006
Friend David, among other "handles", can certainly be described as "provocative". On many occasions in the past, we have seen our host toss a topic on the table, knowing full well that it is bound to stir comment, if not controversy.
Such is the case with this thread. I mean, come on, with a thread entitled "New Book by Stephen Spence", what did we think was going to happen?
David and many of us know that Mr. Spence has been a hot topic in the past relating to his criminal conduct, vis-a-vis being propped up as a industry leader. You could have bet Joe Hayes' farm that the posts would start pouring in....which they have.
There are lots of "new" items that we ALL run across in trade publications. And some even have to do with sublimation.
So, I guess MY question would be why was it so important to keep us all "inform"ed about a "New Book by Stephen Spence"?
Actually, my question is purely rhetorical in that I already have the answer.
You ALL have a great Labor Day weekend! Now get back to work! B-)
From: (*oo*) (EMBROIDBABE) [#71]
1 Sep 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#37] 1 Sep 2006
You asked....... "what industry should he be in?"
I think he should be making license plates at a prison for the rest of his life. He definitely hasn't served enough time!
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#72]
1 Sep 2006
To: gt350ed [#70] 1 Sep 2006
I am not sure you are right...
caught him again. :D
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#73]
1 Sep 2006
To: gt350ed [#70] 1 Sep 2006
So, you're saying there isn't a new book by Stephen Spence?
You're only the third person (two, in private) to claim my motivation for the announcement of the new book, was purely to stir controversy.
I'm not opposed to two birds with one stone. :P
EDITED: 1 Sep 2006 by DGL
From: Shaddy [#74]
1 Sep 2006
Good to know, I'm glad that there is a place for these facts (I only call them facts after looking them up myself, by the way) to be shared, now I am free to make my own decisions on if I want to buy his book based on his past or not. Crimes against children are amoung the most vile, so i will choose not to support him.
BUT, I don't want you (as in anyone) to make that moral decision for me. The magazine can publish his articles freely, and I will choose to read or not read, or even to unsubscribe and no longer read thier magazine. But as soon as they start filtering based on morility I have a problem. My line for a morilty judgement will not be the same as everyones. If someone gets caught selling drugs a long time ago (and paid for their crimes and no longer does it), that doesn't matter to me (good for them for turning their life around), but it might for someone else. If I was told that persons articles and books would no longer be published or carried at bookstores, I would be upset. Those people would be following what they thought best for everyone, but it wouldn't be the best for me.
I will be getting flack for comparing that to child pornography, but my whole point in that extreme is that... where do you draw the line? You aren't going to draw it where the person next to you would have it draw.
Some crimes are recoverable. Once a person pays for it and tries to move on, they deserve a change to make out a life for themselves. Just don't make decisions on what is forgivable for me.
Case in point... walmart chooses not to sell certain CDs based on lyrics and cover art. That is a moral judgement that they are totally entired to make... it's thier store, they can choose what to sell. But since I don't like decisions made for me, I won't buy music there (and I rarely shop there at all for other reasons). We are both using the freedom granted us.
Same goes for this forum, I'm happy Ralley was given the place to voice his displeasure, it brought to light some things and now we can all make a more informed decision. But what if he went to jail 20 years ago for posession, and because some people wanted him prevented from using the forum at all, and was then banned, we may have not ever known some of the things he brought up. (for people that just scan messages, NO, he wasn't as far as i know, it was just to make a point). Freedom of speech and freedom of choice.
1 Sep 2006
To: Shaddy [#74] 1 Sep 2006
Never been in jail.......but I understand the point you were trying to make.
Very good post by the way........
From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#76]
5 Sep 2006
Just got back from vacation and read all the posts in this thread.
I know there is a great debate whether SS has served his time and if someone would, or would not, support him through his book or whatever he is trying to do.
I won't be supporting him by purchasing his works or by attending any seminars he may be involved in. Of course, I haven't done this in the past (with the exception of a sublimation seminar long ago).
As far as whether or not he has served his time, I guess that has to be left up to the judicial system, as flawed as it sometimes seems to be.
I have a nephew (at 21 years old) that spent a few years in prison for child molestation. What drives people to do this sort of thing I can't understand but I will say I have not given up on him. After all, I believe we are ALL given a second chance by One greater than us.
My nephew is working hard to right his life and I can't ask for anything more than that from him. Would I want him to be left with young children.....NO, but he is my late brother's son and I will not cast him aside without any hope that he can lead a productive life from this moment in time. Perhaps the circumstance is different because he is a blood relative and not just someone I really don't know.
The God that I know wants me to hate the sin, not the sinner. And, yes, I even believe that if someone takes another life that they should suffer the consequences on earth as the law dictates. But, the final judgment does NOT belong to me.
From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#77]
6 Sep 2006
From: Mick [#78]
9 Sep 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#5] 9 Sep 2006
I thought I read in the "other" forum that this was removed ???
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#79]
9 Sep 2006
To: Mick [#78] 9 Sep 2006
The link itself was not the reason for removal. David's explanation was that the post was redundant to redundant.
Gees, so is this one.
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