Full Version: Bodybuilding Trophies or Awards
From: basehorawards [#2]
7 Sep 2006
To: Swami [#1] 8 Sep 2006
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#3]
7 Sep 2006
To: Swami [#1] 8 Sep 2006
West Art out of Pennsylvania has bodybuilding resins, I don't know if they will fit in the customer's budget, they retail for $38.00 up. There are over 24 body building and probably that many more in weightlifting - both male & female.
Their web site says it is being remodeled so there are no photos - www.westartusa.com - their phone number is 800-447-9430 - call them to get a catalog.
From: Swami [#4]
8 Sep 2006
I emailed westart, im hoping to get a reply soon,
What sort of trays, crystal or silver plated, and who's a great supplier for these trays
From: Colin (MATROPHY) [#5]
14 Sep 2006
To: Swami [#4] 18 Sep 2006
Niels Andersen makes some pretty awesome bodybuilding resins. Here's the website.