Full Version: engravelab help... please
From: varn (VARNCO) [#4]
21 Sep 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2] 21 Sep 2006
I have about a gazillionn MB of free space on my HD and 1 GB of Ram.
I did a google search and found out about a "feature" that Engravelab has, which is if you undock the smart bar, and make it a floating smart bar, it gives you a button that lets you close out the smart bar.
Unfortunately, once you close out the floating smart bar, there is no button or menu item to re-enable the smart bar. DOH!
Support provided a solution that I have to go into the registry, delete the toolbars folder in Cadlink, and when Engravelab is started again, it'll rebuild the toolbars folder in the registry and re-enable the smart bar.
In regards to the guide lines not staying locked, my guess is that is another "feature"... but I haven't heard back on that one from support yet.