Full Version: Trophy pricing
22 Sep 2006
We have tried to stay out of the major trophy market but find ourselves forced to get into it. My question is when pricing trophies do you charge extra for the engraving or do you quote a flat price. It seems that that our competition prices trophies at 3 times cost but I am not sure if engraving is normally over the base price especially on low end items.
Our major market is corporate and organizational awards, badges, plaques, etc. but seem to need some of that extra business if we can do it profitably.
Thanks for your input,
EDITED: 22 Sep 2006 by DGL
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2]
22 Sep 2006
To: LARRY (CENTURYBADGE) [#1] 22 Sep 2006
During my time working in trophy stores, engraving was always an extra cost.
If there was an average amount of engraving on all the awards we would flat-rate the engraving.
From: Funkmeister (FUNKY) [#3]
22 Sep 2006
To: LARRY (CENTURYBADGE) [#1] 22 Sep 2006
I do alot of trophies and charge 3.5 times over my cost. I figured it a couple different ways. Without engraving and adding the cost of the engraving plate or just the 3.5 for the whole ball of wax. Engraving included in the trophies. It seems to equal out about the same without all the hassle. this is for the basic 1x3 or 4. Now plaques are a different story. Just my two cents. Good luck. You might think I'm not making very much, but you do you really do. You might want to sit down and figure it up. I could be wrong, but it seems to be working just fine here.
In fact I just got a call Tues for 100 football trophies(very simple). Told them the cost that included engraving. The person sounded like it was to much at the time and said I'll get back with you. I figured that's the end of that. They called back on Thursday wanting to order the 100.
Everyone else charged for the trophy plus the plate and engraving. This difference wasn't that much but engraving included sealed the deal.