Full Version: Shipping a large trophy

From: logojohn [#2]
 25 Sep 2006
To: Ron (RONRUSH) [#1] 25 Sep 2006

I think ups and usps have dimension restrictions.
It would likely have to go via a truck company.
The good news is truck companies usually don't throw packages across the room like UPS so won't be as likely to get damaged or chewed up on the conveyor belt.
Bad news it will cost more.

From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#3]
 25 Sep 2006

Hey LogoJohn - you must use a different trucking company than we do. Maybe if the box or crate is heavy enough they won't throw it across the room, but they will probably run the forks through it before they are done ;-) 

What about laser cutting some kind of soft foam to encase the piece? Build a wooden crate, then either custom cut foam, or shoot foam in to encapsulate the trophy. I'm guessing a 7 ft. high trophy is not a cheap project, so packaging could be pretty important.

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#4]
 25 Sep 2006
To: logojohn [#2] 25 Sep 2006

FedEx Express will take packages weighing up to 150 lb, and up to 9' 11" long and 13' 8" length plus girth.

FedEx Ground is the same, except maximum of 9' long. FedEx Ground with home delivery is limited to 105 lb.

UPS Ground has the same limits as FedEx Ground (150 lb, 9' long, 13' 8" length + girth)

At that large of a size, chances are freight trucks are more economical, but that depends on whether you live in a large city or small town.

As an example I used UPS.com to calculate a package from central NY state to southern Michigan that is 90" x 18" x 12", weighs 90 lb and insured for $900. UPS ground quotes $115.

From: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#5]
 26 Sep 2006
To: Ron (RONRUSH) [#1] 26 Sep 2006

Silly question.. why not do what the florists do.. have another shop close to the customer build it for you and deliver it for you.. You send them the pieces and pay them what it would have cost you to ship.. If someone asked me I think I would do it.. as long as I made a profit on my time..

From: gt350ed [#6]
 26 Sep 2006
To: Ron (RONRUSH) [#1] 26 Sep 2006

Depending on what "several hundred miles" means, why not consider literally meeting them half-way and have them pay for your gas, etc.

This would necessitate that you both have vehicles capable of handling the trophy, but would insure that the trophy would be handled with care. If need be, you could even show them how to assemble/ reassemble at the half-way point.

Just make sure and collect all that you are owed before leaving home. Make it a fun weekend trip, if possible.

From: Ron (RONRUSH) [#7]
 26 Sep 2006
To: gt350ed [#6] Unread

That's an excellent idea!!! Thanks Ed!!!

From: Ron (RONRUSH) [#8]
 26 Sep 2006
To: Bill (ALBILLBERT2000) [#5] 27 Sep 2006

That's a good idea too. I had thought about possibly doing that. I'm still not sure where the trophy is going yet. It is either NC or FL but the guy hasn't got back to me yet. Once I find out, I may try to locate a trophy shop nearby.

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