Full Version: Is it time for all-digital publications?
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#34]
1 Mar 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#31] 1 Mar 2007
He said, "Fella, get back on your island, I'll handle it!"
Essentially David T is right. Mike is a great guy, but he very politically told me that they were going digital and they would be sorry to lose me.
For the remainder of my subscription I will try to make a concerted effort to embrace it and see how it goes. Recognition pro had always been one of my favorites.
From: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#35]
1 Mar 2007
To: UncleSteve [#29] 1 Mar 2007
yes it is downloadable.
If downloadable as a single file to read at our convenience without loging on, it makes it easy to keep the issues on a cd/dvd for future reference.
Yes it is the advantage I see in it too.
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