Full Version: America's Future

 8 Oct 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#25] 8 Oct 2006

Don't forget Iran ;) 

From: UncleSteve [#28]
 8 Oct 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#22] 8 Oct 2006

Heck! Even I agree with you... perhaps a little further than you would go, but definitly in agreement! B-) 

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#29]
 8 Oct 2006
To: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#21] 8 Oct 2006

...who are willing to tear up the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...

And what does that have to do with non-uniformed combatants being held prisoner. The Constitution does not cover that, but the international rules of war do.

New situation that this is, those rules are still holding for us, but not for the other side. That should be considered high moral ground.

Letting a non-uniformed killer of our troops free, (aside from their holy war claim), is just plain stupid. You think he will not go out and start killing again? You must truly understand the enemy to make good decisions. He is totally convinced that to be true to God he must kill as many of us as possible. You will not change his mind, it is his religious devotion.

From: LG (WAIIB) [#30]
 8 Oct 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#27] 8 Oct 2006

Some food for thought. Go to www.iraqblc.com and read about all the good and positive that is happening in Iraq. We need to give freedom a chance, not cut and run. Freedoms foes are fighting to the death to stop this from happening and if they win, the good old USA is next. That is the goal of Iran, N. Korea and others. Americans need to wake up and smell the roses.

From: Franklin (FW_HAYNES) [#31]
 8 Oct 2006

Its groups like Amnesty international that are castrating us as a world power. At Gitmo, these terrorists are given new karans vaccuumed sealed and delivered in sterile bags to promote that they hadn't been touched by infidels, they get special ordered meals, and these terrorists(not freedom fighters, or sanctioned military covered by the geneva convention) have more rights and get it better than our prisons here. The fact that they are allowed to transfer letters to outside sources without them being reviewed for content is outrageous.
I have friends and family in politics and military and I get information that alot of Americans don't and it sickens me as to how low we have gotten and NO it did not start when Bush came into office. If we keep going in the direction that we are, we will be a socialist country within a couple of decades.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#32]
 8 Oct 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#26] 8 Oct 2006


The journalists have been Washington correspondents who cover the Pentagon.

I can't remember their names and have no way of knowing if they have "D" or "R" associated with their names.

You have offered nothing but complaints and negativity about what's happening....

I've simply been commenting on the reality of the situation.

A bi-partisan commission is being assigned the task of offering their assessment and suggestions for a solution.

Like you, I'll wait to see what the "professionals" suggest.

Don't expect any suggestions before Nov. 7.

I haven't forgotten about Iran, but with our military stretched to its limits and our budget deficit at historic levels, with no end in sight, we're playing into the terrorists hands.

They'll bankrupt us.

From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#33]
 8 Oct 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#26] 8 Oct 2006

1. As a Jewish child I grew up surrounded by Holocaust survivors and
witnessed their pain
2. As a teen and in my early 20s I marched in many a Vietnam war protest and got thrown in jail for being an American, my anger was always directed at our government never at the troops
3. As the daughter-in-law of a member of the New York Civilian Draft Review Board (a WWII vet, a JVFW member, a union member and a patriot) during the Vietnam era who resigned because if you were poor and uneducated you were never excused
4. As the mother of a Marine who served for 12 years
5. As a liberal

it is my belief that we are in a no win situation. We say we want to install a democratic government but I believe democracies guarantee freedom of religion and expression. If we want a democratic government there would it not have that same guarantee? These zealots want to kill us and our way of life. I firmly believe that. I also firmly believe that what we are doing now is not the way to change things. I don't know how to change things but I do know that to stop talking and to stop looking for solutions is not the way to go. I also don't believe that having our soldiers fight a war that I believe we can not win is not the way to go either.


BTW it is also my belief that the ultra conservatives in this country are a dangerous group who want to destroy the freedoms I love and enjoy. They, like zealots everywhere, want it their way or no way.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#34]
 8 Oct 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#33] 8 Oct 2006

I bet that you can guess that my wife and I sort of differ politically.

 8 Oct 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#33] 8 Oct 2006

All I can say is that we see things from different perspectives. I respect your's, but dissagree.

I believe that leaving because we have talked ourselves into thinking that we can't win is the wrong way to proceed.

I understand your concern with the right being considered "zealouts" as many on the right feel the same way about the far left. I like to consider myself capable of logical thinking, not just emotional thinking, thus eliminating me from what would be considered a zealout......

 8 Oct 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#34] 9 Oct 2006

Better you than me ;) 

From: Jim (RETAIL74) [#37]
 8 Oct 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#36] 8 Oct 2006

I can't even remember why we are there anymore.

Is it because Sadam is a threat with his weapons of mass destruction?

Is it because we need to stop the insurgents? The terrorists that did not exist under Sadaam?

Is it because we need to try to prevent an all out civil war?

Sure it would be great to stay the course. Just pick a course. It appears that our enemy keeps changing.

So if GWB could take it all back, do you think that we would be where we are right now?

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#38]
 8 Oct 2006
To: Jim (RETAIL74) [#37] 9 Oct 2006


To further muddy the waters, add the fact that N. Korea has conducted an underground nuclear test to the mix.

From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#39]
 8 Oct 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#38] 9 Oct 2006

I remember my parents saying back in the late 50s that they were wondering what the world was coming to and where it was going. I now wonder the same thing. I think my grandchildren will also wonder.


From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#40]
 8 Oct 2006
To: Jim (RETAIL74) [#37] 9 Oct 2006

Absolutely not be there if he could take it back. He is first and foremost a political animal. He would not be where he is if he wasn't.


From: jumbo (JIMCLOUGH) [#41]
 8 Oct 2006

As I see it, the idea of invading Afghanistan was to get rid of the Taliban, yet remember the fuss when the Russians invaded Afghanistan to stop the Taliban from taking over in the first place.


 8 Oct 2006
To: Jim (RETAIL74) [#37] 9 Oct 2006

The reason we went in was that they wouldnt allow inspectors in year after year of trying....This made everyone (including several other countries and their own military) believe that they had something to hide....(the weapons of mass destruction issue) As things have gone on...We learned that that wasn't the threat that everyone thought at the time....Hence the focus shifted to freeing the people from an oppressive regime that killed millions of its' own people. Remember the mass graves that were discovered?

I think that the focus is still on freeing the poeple of iraq, and giving them the opportunity to lead themselves....but it's hard to take an oppressed population and put the load on their backs....with all the insurgents and forign fighters that have come into the theater to support them....The common Iraqi has a pretty dangerous existance right now....particularly in the hot spots such as Bagdad.

So to follow up....yes on all your points. One led to the other. War's are fluid. The reasons can change as conditions change.

I'm not sure we would be where we are with someone else in the white house. But I felt that he had done the right thing then.....and I feel that you have to overcome not cut and run. Cutting and running will teach other enemies of our country that we are cream puffs and don't have the will to succeed when the going gets tough. It will also let the Iraqi people down........With all they have been through...... they certainly deserve a chance to succeed.

 8 Oct 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#38] 9 Oct 2006

North Korea is another perfect example of where appeasment and pacifism gets you. It's where Iran is headed.......Every agreement we have had with North Korea has been ignored over time....Now we have a new game to play in that part of the world....A much more dangerous game because China (our allie) wouldn't use the power that they had to stop them........The future will probably include a nuclear Japan that will most likely change their constitution so that they can arm themselves for defense.

Gee looking back, I guess George was pretty smart about Syria, North Korea, and Iran when he called them the Axis of Evil....Funny no one has given him any credit for forseeing the future with these rogue nations, yet their actions have gone unchecked by the rest of the world while we deal with the mess that we are in.

I agree with Uncle Steve here....I think that the state of the world has changed substantially over the last two decades. Jihadists are the enemy, and they are all over the globe.....I'm not suggesting that N. Korea is harboring Jihadists, but they are clearly taking the opportunity because the rest of the world is continualy appeasing them and Iran. For an example, look at how the United Nations acted toward Isreal when they decided to fight to protect themselves from rockets raining from the sky....They went after Isreal but said little about the Hamas (which happens to be part of the government of Lebanon) that started it all in the first place. Some people think that Isreal over responded.....but if your not fighting to win.....your fighting to lose......They had every right to fight back the way they did, and probably should have gone further. Political correctness on a global scale made them stop.

Every concession that Isreal has given over the years has won them more Terrorist attacks, suffering and losses. Another example of what appeasment to jihadists gives you.....

What we needed when we entered this war was some global support from France, Germany, and China. Their lack of support after giving us a green light to enter Iraq then reacting with shock after we started an invasion has given rogue nations, terrorists, and insurgents reason to rally, and continue to test to see what the world reaction will be whenever they misbehave. Right now, I see the rest of the world where the left wing liberals are.....Giddy to see us mired down because it supposedly proves GWB, and the mighty USA wrong.

It's human nature...people like to see the little guy win, and the big dog taken down a notch.

 8 Oct 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#39] 9 Oct 2006

I have a feeling every generation has said that, and every generation will continue to say that......

From: UncleSteve [#45]
 8 Oct 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#42] 8 Oct 2006

You are right on point here. Let's just list a few facts...

1. Iraq was in violation of 17 orders from the UN (a toothless dog in this fight).

2. Almost all countries believed there WERE wmd's

3. Inspectors were NOT allowed free reign to inspect the facilites

4. WMD's WERE found after the invasion.... just old ones (early 90's) that may not have been usable.... but no one knows if Saddam was aware of that.

5. Large trucks were observed leaving Iraq for Syria or Saudi Arabia (forget which) just prior to going into Iraq.

6. The Kurds were attacked with wmd's in the not too distant past

7. Many of the "freedom fighters" are NOT Iraqis but invaders from bordering countries.

8. The religious war within Iraq has been going on for centuries and nothing we or anyone else can do will end such fanaticism.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#46]
 9 Oct 2006
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#44] 9 Oct 2006

I have a feeling every generation has said that, and every generation will continue to say that......

Well...maybe...assuming there will be following generations.

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