Full Version: Focus Group - $250

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1]
 10 Oct 2006

My wife works for a research company which puts focus groups together.

If you're in the Fort Lauderdale, FL area, I thought this may be of interest to you, or someone you know.


$250 to Talk About Your Pickup Truck in Ft. Lauderdale, FL!!

We are looking for pickup truck owners in the Ft. Lauderdale, FL area, who own late model trucks (2000 or newer) and who may be interested in helping us with a survey regarding the use of their trucks. Qualified participants will receive a $250 American Express Gift Check for a two hour interview conducted in the comfort of their own home. You will be asked questions regarding the use of your truck, and the interview will be videotaped. We are scheduling interviews for October 17, 18 and 19th, 2006 and if you are chosen to participate, we can schedule a time which will be convenient for you.

This study is strictly market research and participants are NEVER
solicited during or as a result of their interview. Survey questions
will only relate to the stated topic and there are never any right or
wrong answers. Your honest opinion is what the interviewers want.

If you are interested, please respond with answers to this mini-survey.
Based upon your answers we may call you this week for a few minutes of quick followup questions.

1. Name, email and phone no.
2. Make, model and year of the truck you own.
3. Do you use your truck primarily for business or personal use or both?
4. Why do you own a pickup truck?
5. What do you haul or tow for your business and how often?
6. What do you haul or tow for personal use and how often?
7. How many miles per month on average do you drive your truck?
8. Do you spend a lot of time taking care of your truck?
9. Do you like to talk about your truck and be seen in your truck?
10. Do you have special uses for your truck?

Please note that we often get a large response to these inquiries
and may not be able to respond to everyone. If you do not hear
back from us, please know that we very much appreciate your
response and that we read and save every reply.

Thank you for your consideration and for being a part our panel.

Robyn Raggio
Project Manager
Blarry House Research
Please note: email responses without the full information requested above will not be called. Due to the large number of responses the groups sometimes fill up quickly. When that happens we may not be able to call everyone that responds. However, to be included in other focus groups, please sign up at our website www.blarry.com. Do NOT call our main office to respond to this ad.


From: Dixie2 [#2]
 11 Oct 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 11 Oct 2006


I'm not in Fort Lauderdale.. but for $250.00 I'll talk about anything for 2 hours!

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#3]
 11 Oct 2006
To: Dixie2 [#2] 11 Oct 2006


I'm sure there are a lot of people in that boat, but in this case, they want to talk about trucks.

A couple of years ago, before my wife was involved in focus group projects, I was asked to take part in a study, for a new vehicle concept, which turned out to be kind of "motorcyle-like."

I went to a So Cal airfield, where they had a test course layed out, participated in an interview, rode the vehicle and answered some questions afterward.

For my effort, I was handed $200 in cold, hard cash.

It was a fun day. :-) 

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