Full Version: New Hermes Pantograph used

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#8]
 13 Oct 2006
To: Barbara (RGILE) [#7] 13 Oct 2006


There's a definite learning curve to operating a pantograph. Even though they're capable of engraving some things that can't be done any other way, they're not production machines.

You'll notice that the items I'm engraving on a pantograph are usually short-runs or one-of-a-kind.

For $1300, you may be able to buy a used computerized system, although it wouldn't have cylindrical capability.

If you go the inexpensive, computerized route, I'm still a fan of the New Hermes Vanguard 3000's.


1) They're workhorses, with excellent letter quality.

2) Nice, deep vise, that will allow you to hold a wider variety of items than any flatbed machine is capable of.

3) Quality One Engravers has plenty of parts and repair services for that machine.

From: Barbara (RGILE) [#9]
 13 Oct 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#8] 13 Oct 2006

Thank you David.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10]
 13 Oct 2006
To: Barbara (RGILE) [#9] 13 Oct 2006

My pleasure Barbara,

Either way you go, having rotary/drag capability is an area you'll want to add to your business.

Lasers are wonderful tools, but as you're finding out, they can't do everything and those voids are where you'll find your niche(s).

The only reason I don't own a laser, is that working behind the scenes for my fellow engravers gives me plenty of access to their laser equipment.

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#11]
 13 Oct 2006

I just purchased and excellent machine (GTX Super) a floor model with motor and diamond drag for $1200. I bought some extras including fonts so I now have a total of $1450 invested.

Fonts run $50 to $150 on ebay.

Here is a picture.

EDITED: 22 Dec 2006 by MIKEN

From: UncleSteve [#12]
 13 Oct 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#6] 14 Oct 2006

Harvey and Barbara,

Having just gone through this exercise, fonts on eBay are in the $50-150 range and pantographs have been going for anywhere from $300 on up depending on the "extras".

$1300 is a reasonable price for a floor model similar the picture posted IF it doesn't require shipping expense, has a nice variety of cutters and fonts and is REALLY only 7-10 years old. Remember, these models have been around for over 25 years.

I doubt you will run into these problems, but look for rust/corrosion on the screw drives to adjust the jaws and raise and lower the spindle.

If it is drag only, the price is high.

One last heads up..... if you REALLY want to get into pantograph work and you don't need all that extra depth of a floor model, you can cut in half what they are asking and still do an awful lot of items with a table top model. The type is the same and the smaller unit is "portable" where you can put it away if you want to in between jobs.

Determine what items you will use it for and then you can make a more informed decision.


From: Barbara (RGILE) [#13]
 20 Oct 2006
To: UncleSteve [#12] 20 Oct 2006

Hi UncleSteve,
We decided not to buy it. I am going to wait until I can save and get a computerized one.
Thanks for the input.

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