Full Version: Radius Rectangle

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#1]
 14 Oct 2006


A new macro, RadiusRectangle, that facilitates the creation of radii on rectangles (and squares) with an absolute (document) value. You can assign each corner different values, or make them all the same.

Usage: Select one or more rectangles and then run the macro. Key in individual values for each corner or check the "Make them all =" box and fill in a value. Click on "Set Radii".

Users of X3 should probably stick with the new feature in X3 and not use this macro.

You can also create 45 degree chamfers using this macro. Run the macro and set the radii for the value that you want for your chamfers. Convert the rectangle to curves. Select the shape tool and select all of the nodes. Then click on the "Convert curve to line"

One word of caution, the UNDO function is not real stable after running this macro. I think it has something to do with setting values versus actually performing a CorelDraw command. I took the UNDO button out of the macro for this reason. I'd advise you NOT to click on UNDO immediately after running this macro. You may lose some earlier steps/operations that were completed before the macro was started. It's really bizarre.

Let me know if it works for you.

EDITED: 14 Oct 2006 by CSEWELL

From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#2]
 19 Oct 2006
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#1] 19 Oct 2006

Carl &/or Shaddy,

If you are looking for a macro project, here is one for people using the free, fantastic boxmaker program


This program creates a postscript file that imports into CorelDRAW but each "notch" on each side is a separate object. To increase speed and quality of the box, we could select on the objects in one side, Close Path, then with all nodes selected, reduce the nodes (value of about 5?) to get rid of the extra objects created to close the paths.

Of course, this is for 12 & down users since X3 users would just Create Boundary.

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#3]
 19 Oct 2006
To: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#2] 19 Oct 2006

There's already a VBA box-maker that is hosted on Shaddy's website:


From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#4]
 19 Oct 2006
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#3] 19 Oct 2006



Only after you bring it to my attention, do I now recall seeing that several months back on Sawmill. I never got back to download and try it and promptly forgot all about it.

I've now downloaded and will see how it works in comparison.

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