Full Version: Quality One Regional Educational Event

From: Fred (FREDQ1E) [#1]
 26 Oct 2006

Just wanted to remind anyone in the area or even out of the area of our TWO day ARA Educational Event. November 8 & 9th.
The 8th will cover Rotary and Laser Engraving (instructors Fred Schwartz and Steve Cortesy). Basically a run thru all the general stuff (maintenence, dangers, can and can't do, etc) to actual usage of the machine doing real jobs.
The 9th will be devoted to EngraveLab (instructors Tim Benner & Fred Schwartz). I know you get tired of me. Morning how to use all the many features, badges, matrix, scanning, vectorizing, cleanup, styles, borders, ordering and the many newest features of v7. Afternoon we will run jobs on both a router and a rotary engraver. Brass, plastic, SST and aluminum will be munched thru.
Each day will have a complimentary ocktail breafast (donuts, rolls, coffee, juice, etc), full lunch and BBQ dinner (1st nite, leftovers 2nd nite).
Cost is $55/85 ARA/Non both days and $30/45 if just one day. This money goes to ARA for the production of event, rest is funded by Quality One Engravers. http://www.ara.org/education/region_education.cfm
Space is just about filled up, join the fun and learn something in the process. There will also be handouts and door prices.
Sorry for not posting sooner. People from this forum would make the best students.

EDITED: 26 Oct 2006 by DGL

From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#2]
 29 Oct 2006
To: Fred (FREDQ1E) [#1] Unread


You've put together a fantastic program. I had planned on attending, but the Xenetech annual sales meeting was changed to the same week end.

All of the other ARA regional events exceeded capacity; with your lineup, I'm sure yours will also.

Keep up the good work!

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