Full Version: Ah....POLITICS

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5]
 3 Nov 2006
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#4] 3 Nov 2006

At least you know which one to vote against. Sometimes it is worse and worse. Mickey Mouse garners a lot of write-ins.

From: Cathy (METIME417) [#6]
 3 Nov 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5] 3 Nov 2006

Love it!! I can't wait until November 8th...I won't have to listen to anymore negative campaign ads!

Thanks for the laugh

From: LG (WAIIB) [#7]
 3 Nov 2006
To: Cathy (METIME417) [#6] 5 Nov 2006

Might as well get used to the negative ads. I just read about a study in which they are learning that the negative ads really don't change your mind about your party or candidate. What they do is polarize you and make you not want to vote which is just as good as changing your mind. However, the ads had very little if any effect on independent voters. How many of you are staying home the 8th????

EDITED: 3 Nov 2006 by WAIIB

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#8]
 4 Nov 2006
To: LG (WAIIB) [#7] 4 Nov 2006

How many of you are staying home the 8th????

I had thought about it. We had a nice discussion about it with some friends last night....over dinner.

While I admit to starting to become victim of American apathy, I think it is important to vote......because if we do not, that ultimately leaves the door open for some power monger ( not that the majority of politicians are not) to become a dictator, and then what?

I have come to the conclusion that while my vote counts it does not matter. "We the People" have allowed special interest and big business to take over the country and I believe nothing short of a full blown rebellion of "We the People" will reverse it.....

Just my two cents. Want change?

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#9]
 4 Nov 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#8] 4 Nov 2006


I'd like to believe that my vote counts, but the more I hear about electronic voting machines, the less encouraged I am.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#10]
 4 Nov 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#9] 4 Nov 2006


I am CONVINCED your vote counts.....I am not so sure however that it matters.......

From: SubliKing (CASHENMARKETING) [#11]
 4 Nov 2006


I really enjoyed this "Joke" story.
Copied it and sent to many people on my email list.

I live in Louisiana, where politics are considered a sport.

Have been involved in Republican Party for many years.
Held several elected offices on the past.
Got hundreds of people registered to vote in both parties.

Think voting is one of the most important things we can do.

When I am speaking with someone, and they start complaining about something going on in the USA, Local, or State, the first thing I ask them is if they vote. Most say NO. I tell them we have nothing to talk about.
Tell them their oppionion does not matter, unless they vote.
I keep registration forms in my car and offer to sign them up on the spot.

"Elected Official" should not be a career.
That is one of the biggest problems we have today, Too many professional politicians. But there are several reasons for that.

Most people don't want to get involved with the political process.
They don't want to offend anyone who does not agree with their views.
Most campaigns end up very nasty, and people are not willing to put their families through all that.


From: Ward (STENSONENG) [#12]
 4 Nov 2006

Last week I think I heard the head of the fed. EPA say that if you think about it,
(To paraphrase her), "and realize that in many elections the majority of the electorate do not vote, and THEY are the ones who determine the outcome, and the kind of government we have and THEY use the excuse that their vote doesn't mean anything and how useless it is to vote."
If voting reform included compulsory voting and required all elections to
be on Sunday, my guess is that we'd have completely different democracy. I'd love to see
a nasty little clause in the law that doubled your taxes if you didn't vote (We could call it
the voting tax. The race belongs to the lazy, irresponsible, careless, shiftless, ignorant, foolish, frustrated, lawless and hopeless amoung us and I don't know about you, but I'm sick that we have the kind of government we deserve.

Ward (Never to old to learn) :-S 

From: UncleSteve [#13]
 4 Nov 2006
To: Ward (STENSONENG) [#12] 7 Nov 2006


I know you and she have good intentions, but the LAST thing I want is a bunch of totally disinterested and uneducated (on the issues and candidate's positions) voters pulling, pushing and writing down votes just to avoid higher taxes.

I could almost guarantee the first levers on the first line would be the odds on favorite in every election... :-( 

From: bobkat [#14]
 4 Nov 2006
To: UncleSteve [#13] 4 Nov 2006

I agree; they should only get their taxes raised if they vote democratic.... (devil) 

From: LG (WAIIB) [#15]
 4 Nov 2006
To: UncleSteve [#13] 4 Nov 2006

Absolutely correct UncleSteve. I do believe however, that if everyone had to sit down and write a check each month for taxes rather than depending on payroll deduction and escrows for property taxes, interest in voting would be very high.

From: UncleSteve [#16]
 4 Nov 2006
To: LG (WAIIB) [#15] 5 Nov 2006

Yup! That is why self-employed individuals have a much better idea of what is going on.... We have to write our own quarterly estimated tax payments every 90 days as a reminder of what the actual financial hit really is. :'-( 

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#17]
 5 Nov 2006
To: Ward (STENSONENG) [#12] 7 Nov 2006

but I'm sick that we have the kind of government we deserve.

Soooo true.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#18]
 5 Nov 2006
To: SubliKing (CASHENMARKETING) [#11] 5 Nov 2006

When I am speaking with someone, and they start complaining about something going on in the USA, Local, or State, the first thing I ask them is if they vote.

Thank you first and formost for your service. Secondly for a thoughtful post.

As for someone complaining...whether they voted or not....we do have a constitutional right to free speech.....which means they can :-( 

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#19]
 5 Nov 2006
To: Ward (STENSONENG) [#12] 7 Nov 2006

....and THEY use the excuse that their vote doesn't mean anything and how useless it is to vote."


I have a theory about that.
Personally *I* believe that my vote COUNTS, however I also believe that my vote does not MATTER.

It counts because it will affect the outcome of a political election, however it does not MATTER because "We the People" have allowed by our apathy, the machine to become so huge that it is totally unmanagable. When the elected official gets in, he/she usually as the new kid on the block does not have the network or support to change anything. Especially when we have party members saying the Republicans this and the Democrats that...... NO ONE talks about what is best for "We the People." As an example, when our Governor Linda Lingle, was FIRST elected to office, the speaker IMMEDIATELY came out and said, "it doesn't matter what she tries to do, we'll block it" It didn't matter whether it was good for the state or not. We have an "US" against "THEM" mentality in this state and country and THAT is a major part of the problem. Lingle by the way is the first republican governor in 50 years in a democrat controlled state. Until we get away from a two party system I suspect little will change.

The last President that was able to effect change was Harry Truman, since then unions and special interests control the country not "US, We the People".

Sadly, today most folks are too busy just making ends meet to be able to take the time to get involved. Lots of folks working two jobs, or running a business JUST to make a living. Whereas special interest groups and unions have the time and money to get involved...

While I know that it is law ( at least here) to let employees off to vote, ( which can sometimes take hours) employers do not have to pay the employee. Unions on the other had DO pay their memeber to get out and vote.... so when an employee is working and stuggling to make ends meet, it is not so much that they don't WANT to vote, it is that they don't want to lose the money they would otherwise earn.
Could they vote before or after work? I suppose they could if they do not have to pick up their kids from sports...or do something for the family...
The problem is, as *I* see it, that beauracracy has simply gotten too big, special interests and unions too powerful....... the voice of "We the People" are drowned out...
Oh yes I DO vote....have even taken time to be an election official and have been asked to run for office more than once.......unfortunately that would mean putting down my tools.....

Just my two cents. Want change?

EDITED: 5 Nov 2006 by C_BURKE

From: Cathy (METIME417) [#20]
 5 Nov 2006

I still think that my vote counts...and I will be voting. I'm wondering how many of you have gotten "recorded message" phone calls this weekend. Rudy Guilianie (sp wrong) has "called" at least three times this weekend! I'm on the do not call list for solicitors I have to wonder what the law is for campaigns. My son picked up a call from Barbara Bush. I wonder if we are getting these because I'm unaffilated or as I like to say Independent?!?!


From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#21]
 5 Nov 2006
To: Cathy (METIME417) [#20] 5 Nov 2006

Politicians wrote the do-not-call law. And of course, they made themselves exempt from it.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#22]
 5 Nov 2006
To: Cathy (METIME417) [#20] 5 Nov 2006

I still think that my vote counts...and I will be voting.

I agree that it counts....it just doesn't matter......politicians will do what they want and what the people that finance their campaigns want.....they seldom do what is best for us......."We the People".....

Just my two cents. Want change?

From: UncleSteve [#23]
 5 Nov 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#18] 5 Nov 2006

Of course everyone has the right to SAY something, but only those that vote have a right to expect the politicians to LISTEN....

From: LG (WAIIB) [#24]
 5 Nov 2006
To: UncleSteve [#23] 5 Nov 2006

It seems that we all agree that there is a problem but what can be done about it? Term limits? Campagin reform (not watered down)? Ban all lobbying and send it further under the table and behind closed doors? A third middle of the road party? Wait for the system to implode from all the corruption and then start over? What?!?!? :S 

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