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From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#25]
 9 Nov 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#24] 9 Nov 2006

And I bet you would!!!!!!!!!!!! B-) 

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#26]
 9 Nov 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#25] 9 Nov 2006

And I bet you would!!!!!!!!!!!! B-) 


From: Barbara (RGILE) [#27]
 11 Nov 2006
To: Toni (TONI56) [#23] 11 Nov 2006

You guys are too funny. I am cracking up.
Toni, it sounds like a good ole place to visit, and whats a little stink when you are among friends and brat and beer. ha

PS, Norman Rockwell lived in my area!!!
Come up an see me sometime. Any of you are always welcome.


From: Zonas [#28]
 12 Nov 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#22] 13 Nov 2006

Hey, I even sent you a map showing where people from the forum are and how close we all are (Kansas and St Joe). I even told you about cheap flights from Vegas to Topeka. Rent a car and you can travel all around 'middle USA" and see lots of fellow members PLUS Steve and I won't make you haul 3 suitcases of coconuts to our house (devil)  Now whats your excuse?????????? I might have to tag along though as Joe and Toni's is one place I haven't made it to yet (along with Harvey and Dee).


From: Derek (JUSTWELDIT41) [#29]
 14 Nov 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#14] 14 Nov 2006

Dave you have a great shop and very impressive, most of the shops I have ben in in the past are silk screen shops and I can't say that I have ever seen a clean one yet. May its the nature of the beast. But anyway yours is very provisional and even the back room. It was great talking to you about different things and different ideas.
Thanks again


EDITED: 14 Nov 2006 by JUSTWELDIT41

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#30]
 14 Nov 2006
To: Derek (JUSTWELDIT41) [#29] 14 Nov 2006


I appreciate the compliments. :-) 

It's always nice to put a face with a name. I really enjoyed our visit and learning a little more about where you were at in your business development. I'm sure we'll find a reason to get together again.

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