Full Version: Font for single line vectoring
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#2]
15 Nov 2006
To: Bill (BILL_S) [#1] 15 Nov 2006
Assuming that you need a TTF font. New Hermes made a few TTF's that simulate a single line, but are really two lines on top of each other.
There is no TTF that will truly give a single line cut. TTF's by definition are required to be a closed curve, that lets out a single line font.
You may have to set it up with a single line font then use the bezier tool to draw the font in vectors, then delete the TTF lettering.
You will get a very thin line unless you take it a lot out of focus and use more power. (.005")
From: Bill (BILL_S) [#3]
15 Nov 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#2] 15 Nov 2006
Well, I guess that I will get to work on my Corel drawing skills :-) . I was hoping that there would be an easier way. At least I only have to draw four letters and the O and H shouldn't be too tough :S .
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#4]
15 Nov 2006
To: Bill (BILL_S) [#1] 15 Nov 2006
There's a .cdr file with a set of characters made using single lines that is available over at Sawmill Creek:
It's very simplistic, but maybe would work for you.
EDITED: 15 Nov 2006 by DAVERJ
From: Bill (BILL_S) [#5]
15 Nov 2006
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#4] 15 Nov 2006
That is what I am looking for. I'd prefer one that isn't quite so angular. But beggars can't be choosers. Unless someone else has something similar but smoother I'll be using this one.
Thanks for taking the time to point it out.
From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#6]
15 Nov 2006
To: Bill (BILL_S) [#1] 15 Nov 2006
If you'd fill out your profile, you might make it easier for us to help you. For instance, if you have Vision, Newing-Hall, Hermes, Xenetech or most any other windows based mechanical engraver, use your engraving font and copy into Corel. Better yet, if you have one of those, why not run your laser direct from it?
To illustrate, I've attached a file that came straight from Xenetech's Gothic font (copy/pasted into Corel). This took all of 15 seconds. Tell us what you like/dislike and it will take another 15 seconds to select another engraving font.
From: Bill (BILL_S) [#7]
15 Nov 2006
To: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#6] 16 Nov 2006
Thanks Roy.
Unfortunately, I don't have a mechanical engraver so I don't have the fonts. I appreciate your taking the time to do this for me. The font that you picked will work fine for me.
From: Bill (BILL_S) [#8]
5 Dec 2006
To: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#6] 5 Dec 2006
Now my customer wants to add the words "TWENTYNINE PALMS" (no quotes, all caps) and "2/7" (again, no quotes) in the same font . Can I impose on you to *translate* those into the single line font?
From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#9]
5 Dec 2006
To: Bill (BILL_S) [#8] 6 Dec 2006
See if the attached will work.
I can't remember how large I made the other. Let me know if this doesn't work.
(Xenetech, gothic.fnt)
From: Bill (BILL_S) [#10]
6 Dec 2006
To: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#9] 7 Dec 2006
Thank you, Roy. I can resize it to fit. That is what I did for the OOHRAH. In fact, on that word they wanted progressively larger letters so I had to break it into individual letters, size them, and place them back together to make a word. >.< This should be easier. :D
From: Bill (BILL_S) [#11]
3 Apr 2007
To: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#9] 3 Apr 2007
I need to impose on you once again. My customer now wants another plaque with some additional wording in the Xenetech, gothic.fnt. Can you provide me the following text in that font and in a cdr format?
FOX COMPANY. (Yes, there is a period)
Illegitimus Non Corborundum
From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#12]
3 Apr 2007
To: Bill (BILL_S) [#11] 3 Apr 2007
I've attached a Corel 9 file which has three separate lines(curves).
I couldn't recall how large we made them before, but you should be able to scale to fit what you need. Let me know if this isn't quite what you need
From: Bill (BILL_S) [#13]
3 Apr 2007
To: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#12] 4 Apr 2007
Thanks, Roy.
I really appreciate the help.