Full Version: A lot to be thankful for
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#1]
22 Nov 2006
Aloha Gang,
I just wanted to wish you the best for this Thanksgiving Holiday, and if you are from a different part of the world, all the best to you as well as we in America celebrate with our family and friends.
We all know we should be thankful for ALL of the many blessings we enjoy throughout the year, ALL the time, but in the work a day world it is sometimes hard to see how fortunate we really are, when we are dealing with all the things that REALLY don't matter, but are necessary, so I am Thankful for:
Thanksgiving-it gives me a special day to FOCUS on being thankful
My Wife Lisa- without her what's the point?
This Forum- So much education and fellowship I would have missed if it did not exist.
The people on the forum-so many friends, some of which I have yet to meet.
Two hands, 8 fingers, two thumbs, two arms, two legs, two feet, 10 toes. Two eyes, two ears, on nose......and THEY ALL WORK!
The bills are paid.
Business is growing ( all three of them)
A roof
Fortunate enough to live in one of the many beautiful places on this planet.
That is some of what I am thankful for. What are YOU thankful for? What ever it is, take time this holiday, to enjoy it. Appreciate your friends, your family. TELL THEM you love them. Then after the holiday is over...KEEP doing it.
We are off for our annual trek to Hana on the east side of Maui, where we will have 4 glorious days of NOTHING. No phone, no television, no computers, no radio.
We will be smoking a 12 lb turkey and enjoying nature and counting our many blessings..... of which you are one. Thank you.
Attached are some pictures of where we will be. I will remove them when we get back.
I apologize for the lengthy post, but I am thankful I can type.
Aloha and Happy Thanksgiving.
EDITED: 6 Jan 2007 by C_BURKE
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2]
22 Nov 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#1] 22 Nov 2006
Thank you for the pictures of Hawaii.
My Mother-in-law, (rest her soul) wisely stated, "If you have problems that can be solved by time or money, you don't have problems."
I'm thankful for my good health and that of my family and I'm equally thankful to all the members of Engraving Etc., who, through their willingness to share their collective knowledge, perpetuate such a vibrant and valuable meeting place for our industry.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. :-)
EDITED: 22 Nov 2006 by DGL
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#3]
22 Nov 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2] 22 Nov 2006
From: JHayes55 [#4]
22 Nov 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#3] 4 Dec 2006
Photos are very nice - But where is your lovely wife in those photos?
Are plans are to feed my brother and his family, my mother in-law (and yes I love her) my two kids and some of my sons college friends who cannot go home for Thanksgiving. I am going to listen to my Salukis basketball team on the road at a Orlando Tournament and Sat. go watch my Saluki football team beat University of Tenn at home in the first round of the playoffs.
Go Dawgs.
This is first time we have been away from the shop for more than 2 days in a row since we were in LV in Feb./March.
Have a great Holiday buddy.
I would list what I am thankful for but that would really get long. Most thankful for family and friends.
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#5]
4 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#4] 4 Dec 2006
Those were just stock photos of where we go.
Sounds like you had a great Holiday. I'm sorry it took so long to respond but I got the notification of your msg the day EE went down.
Be well.